Here's a novel idea for vets who want what they deserve and earned. DON'T VOTE FOR A DRAFT DODGING TRAITOR WHO SAYS OUT LOUD THAT HE THINKS YOU ARE SUCKERS AND LOSERS.
Strange right? Trump never hid his hatred for veterans. How did they believe Trump wouldn't go after them in addition to all of us who didn't vote for him?
Thank you for your service, sir, but please let the other vets know that if they vote Republican again, it will be hard for the rest of the people to truly respect them after this one. Truly disappointed that so many vets voted for DJT.
My personal, very limited experience at my local VA's most of the trump t-shirts and hats were worn by older vets. Some of them were vocally racist. Perhaps they voted trump to let their inner racist out.
The ultimate insult to our veterans is the ongoing dismantling of the VA to be ultimately replaced by a private, for profit system. The right wing does not understand the power of the public sector, where people join forces to reach societal goals. Veterans do, and bet their lives on it.
I am the daughter of a Veteran, my father was in USMC-Vietnam. I will be attending for him. He passed away in 2015, but he hated Trump and called him a coward for his fake deferments.
great idea i wish i could attend my husband died from complications of ptsd in 2014 i am hadicapped right good luck to all veterans please attend these rallys trump is no good never was and never will be i cant understand why any veteran voted for him anyway
I shake my head every day. I drive by the Trump flags flying beside the Army and Marine flags in my neighborhood. They see my other neighbor, who is a Vietnam vet, fighting for his life because of his exposure to chemicals during the war. I just do not understand how they can support the vile 47
Wish they could also do this in other cities besides capitals. Some of us don’t have vehicles to drive 2 hrs to our capitals and no I’ve checked, they are not doing a good job at putting out info on other locations. I hear about them after, never before!
I hear ya! Maybe you could do something local? Every little thing to draw awareness to this travesty that's happening is another eye opened.
Many ppl who've bought in to the current admin have no clue about any of this.
Even a yard sign showing your support for fellow veterans makes a difference!
I don't think it's a good idea to march that soon. It will still be cold. You need to regroup and join with the rest of us liberal Democrats that are waiting until we have hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, to join us. It will take all of us to stop them! 💙🫶
I hear you, and I understand the urgency, but I respectfully disagree. Please consider.
We want to stand beside veterans, against trump and the corrupt repubs.
Absolutely. But I know that there are millions of us that are ready to march together straight to D.C.
I want to see every Republican politician and the president and vice president in a jail cell. That's not gonna happen unless we March with millions. 💙🫶
Trump Hates Veterans!
Putin loving Republicans have lost their way & their party!
We wouldn't have a country worth saving today without them.
Fuck bone spurs & his billionaire henchman who know nothing of patriotism.
Reagan “Musk” cut his check to 60% which kicked my mom off!
They said he could get job! My dad was in his 70s & on a cane!
Republicans have always been heartless but just not this evil!
#VeteransMarch #USA #Resist
#FireMusk #FireDOGE
Many ppl who've bought in to the current admin have no clue about any of this.
Even a yard sign showing your support for fellow veterans makes a difference!
Think you're right. Every small town. Would be amazing.
What about your local VFW, AmVets, etc? Could they arrange get out the info?
Thank you.
We want to stand beside veterans, against trump and the corrupt repubs.
March from every corner. Whenever.
I want to see every Republican politician and the president and vice president in a jail cell. That's not gonna happen unless we March with millions. 💙🫶