I need to get caught up. I'm like two or three episodes behind. The animation is really neat but the story wasn't really hooking me. Felt like they were building to something deep but just not getting there. Maybe I'll do that today. Still, hot dragon.
I love it! Every episode has me wanting for more and I’m like what’s gonna happen next?! Mappa blew their budget making the animation station effect for the MC every episode. It’s very colorful.
We're enjoying the heck out of it!! We were worried for a second there it would only be her fixing all of the grimdark elements of the movie, but then the twists started hitting and now we're like, actually on our toes wondering what will happen lol
I was wondering if it was worth finishing today.
Watching SLF (my fave 😭) and ZENSHU is my Sunday Funday.