Why does anyone believe a word this Nazi says? Pound sand Muskrat, you have already proved unfit. Gtf out of the treasury office, period, i don’t care what you say!
This is standard tech SOP shit but the real story is how they will direct these funds elsewhere, like creating maga on steroids funded by the US tax payer. can't believe this is what Trump voters voted for. The avg. longevity of empires is about 250 years...America going out tits up!!!
What are his sources? Just anonymous anecdotal possibly made up claims from an unelected criminal illegal immigrant who's own businesses survive off gov handouts
He’s doing what Trump often does (and what many corporate leaders who want to puff themselves up do) - claiming they made changes that aren’t changes to look like a hero. These processes already exist.
The only group that never passed an audit was the DOD because independent contractors.
Are non-US spouses eligible for social security benefits? Non US military spouses are. I can think of lots of non-nefarious reasons non-citizens might be eligible for payments.
The system is already audited! To say that it's nearly impossible is just absurd. Oversight already exists. The DOGE is illegal, unnecessary and, ironically, a waste of taxpayer money.
Presumably these are all complete fictions. I would imagine that, like most governments, vendors have to provide a massive amount of information to get a check cut.
Musk likely either doesn't understand where this information is and his gremlins haven't found it, or again, he's just lying.
This is also Musk trying to walk back what was done, as he realizes he may have some vulnerability here if (when) Trump claims he didn't know what Elon was doing.
Just like his usual….mostly lies. Only way to prove things is to get a public co in there like KPMG and have a forensic audit with Dems and Rs engaged. Elon wasn’t elected and is an illegal immigrant. His citizenship should be investigated
This is a person with absolutely no knowledge of how our government works, there were highly trained professionals scrutinizing these systems
Fired by Trump so Elon could get his hands on all of this.
We are now living in Putin’s America.
"Yesterday I was told ", "If accurate" . One would of thought you'd find out if it was accurate or not, BEFORE hand . Nothing but insinuations and innuendos. Reeks of Comers and Jordan's so called investigations and Musk's shineboy; Many people have said, many people have told me .
He is delusional at best. Maybe he should worry about why his cars and rockets blow up. He has no business in our government, no matter how much he paid to get tRUMP elected.
Who made this guy the CEO of America that he thinks only him has the authority to run the country like a corporation? This is very dangerous and so annoying.
This sounds like bullshit. Imagine it’d be pretty easy for a journalist to dig up a former Treasury person to either confirm or refute all of this. Also imagine that’s unlikely to happen as no one seems to care much about pushing back against his BS claims.
He's telling the judge he will ignore her order. Go Musk, but be more forceful and say the judge can't do anything to stop him. She has to know she can't mess around with him.
“I’m gonna implement things that are already implemented and make it look like it was my idea. Then I’m gonna go online and tell everyone about it because I’m just like Trump. Fuck things up just to put them back exactly the same and pat myself on the back for it!”
There are people who do financial audits, they are called accountants. And they don’t need some arbitrary category to figure out what a payment is for. The inspector general office does audits, and Trump just fired them all. Maybe start there Elon
I work in this space. The thing about the comments of justification are 99% a bureaucratic hurdle with no utility. Many of these payments are monthly or quarterly transactions and their purposes are obvious. This would be just another thing one would have to do to complete their job.
They don’t need to explain what the payments are for when they issue them. Congress already did that when they passed the budget. There’s no secondary step for some random dude from South Africa to approve the checks.
It's so demonstrably false because you literally cannot access the services for which Treasury disburses payments without a valid federal ID number (SSN or TIN).
On top of which Treasury already has OFAC and TFI to stop payments to terrorists or other banned orgs/countries.
Certainly if what he was doing was so great he/trump would have made a ballyhoo of this before musk and the children went in and shut out everyone who belonged and proceeded without any word as to their actions.
Classic tech consultant shit. Come in, raid a company, have ZERO context as to why anything is the way it is (which is usually "management" but I digress) then make a bunch of bullshit pronouncements, don't actually see any of them thru, take the check, and leave.
Assuming any of this sus bullshit were even true, the first question he should be asking is "Why is it the way it is?" and not just assume it's "fraud." Occam's Razor suggests it is most like NOT fraud and if Leon differs, then he should show his work.
Musk is full of shit. How can 100 billion be sent to a person/s without an identifying number or name. Audit programs are run constantly.
Musk is not an accountant, he probably has no knowledge of how most of the systems work. He has no idea how the system works just that it does.
Elon is lying. Banks get a daily refresh of sanctions lists (terrorist, money launderers, high risk individuals, oligarchs) and no payment can be made to them. The Treasury/OFAC createS the list.
He’s lying and creating reasons in order to obtain the data.
Musk is oblivious to the fact that he has absolutely no say in how any of this works regardless of what he thinks is happening or what he thinks is true #Impeach
These claims don’t make sense.
The only group that never passed an audit was the DOD because independent contractors.
Musk likely either doesn't understand where this information is and his gremlins haven't found it, or again, he's just lying.
as in: raids
Fired by Trump so Elon could get his hands on all of this.
We are now living in Putin’s America.
We could not have continued on the current trajectory.
“on the Spectrum”
Tony Stark? Or do we just take his word for it?
That’s what I read.
The order. He’s entitled to do whatever tf he wants apparently. No restrictions.
By a little gooning codeboy?
On top of which Treasury already has OFAC and TFI to stop payments to terrorists or other banned orgs/countries.
Elon Nazi is NOT an elected official.
Musk is not an accountant, he probably has no knowledge of how most of the systems work. He has no idea how the system works just that it does.
He’s lying and creating reasons in order to obtain the data.