Chills for me too. Greatest Love of All is a big one for me. But the best was when she sang gospel. It was clear to me that her faith and her art were intertwined.
For me, it is hard to pick just one fave from God's gift to us. I knew when I first heard her with Teddy Pendergrass that she was going to be a G.O.A.T. 🫶🏻
I really miss Whitney! I was working at a store and a guy came in to order food. I made his order and he looked shook so I asked what was wrong. He said, “I think something is wrong, I drove Whitney Houston to her hotel but they released me, when I wasn’t done, she never came down.”
That doc made me realize that we, her fans, let her down. When she fell we persecuted her. Our thanks for years of divine entertainment.