I understand that it’s not always possible to publish a document or recording. Sometimes non-publication is part of an agreement between the reporter and the human source who provided the information…
But if you are able to do so please for the love of god publish the thing
Stop saving critical evidence for the lead up to your damn book being published. New word - Woodwarding: the act of fucking your country for personal profit rather than saving the nation.
lol she knows that and doesn’t need it explained. And she addressed this in the second post of her thread. If a journalist is unable to publish the source document, just say why. Dont just talk about a document and fail to mention why you aren’t including it.
She did not address that specifically. I only posted it because I was a bit shocked she was begging for source material to be posted. Why be so damn snarky? Come on play nice.
I read her second post as still only at the direction of the source…. There may be sources that aren’t aware of the “hidden” tracking. I would hope the top priority would be informing and protecting the source. How do journalists ensure there isn’t any tracking info in docs without a comparison?
I am a journalist who has published investigative stories. I know. Obviously this one reason why underlying documents aren’t always published w/ the story
But bc I am a journalist I also know that documents are often withheld from publication for reasons that have nothing to do w/ source protection
You’re welcome. 🤪 Your initial post said nothing about the canary trap type issues. I was surprised by your all caps begging for sources to be posted. But whatever. thanks for the ridicule coming my way for simply trying to help.🤪
How do you judge when it's safe? How can you? With the current climate, how do you decide whether or not publishing this document, however inane *you* think it is, won't end up getting someone fired, arrested, or worse?
It’s just wild that you didn’t mention it at all…. From your audience’s perspective or even potential source’s perspective… you would think that would be worth mentioning?
Sure there are. But you have to know what they are and how to execute them. These are the people who couldn't figure out how to merge an address list to a termination 'letter'.
Is there a generally safe way to defeat fingerprinting of internal documents? Paraphrasing protects against different people being different versions of the document.
agree, but a caution is that unredacted information in documents can pose a defamation lawsuit risk, as you know. e.g. dossier case. or could endanger peripheral people named in the docs
And, please quit with the screenshots of posts! Do you realize that resend allows me to go back to read the original, while screenshots are dead ends? I realize screenshots are good proof in the future about the comments the new regime might delete quickly…but not everyday posts!
Especially with things like emails, the senders will build in small differences to the documents so that they can narrow down who is leaking to the press. Publishing a transcript in full is great, but direct screenshots of these communications is dangerous to the sources.
“Canary trap”. First saw reference to it in “The Hunt for Red October” (Jack Ryan allegedly invented it.) Don’t know if it existed before then or if spooks who read Tom Clancy thought it was a good idea.
1. https://generalstrikeus.com/ - EVERYONE
Hurts their fascist machine.
2. https://www.taskforcebutler.org/ - VETERANS / EVERYONE
Hunts & holds fascist accountable
3. https://www.americanopposition.org/ - EVERYONE
Hurts their billionaire wallets
These organizations have a resistance plan.
But if you are able to do so please for the love of god publish the thing
But bc I am a journalist I also know that documents are often withheld from publication for reasons that have nothing to do w/ source protection
I’m saying if a reporter can safely & ethically publish a doc, they should. A lot of reporters don’t even when they can.
If “deep throat” info was being published now, would America care? Is the damage done to free press by #krasnov & his “fake news” goons fatal?
Happy St pats 😢 🥃