Do they dare destroy Medicare and Social Security before the midterms. If we still have elections in2 years, I think it would destroy them. These are two things seniors give a shit about, dumb or smart.
So, Scott. we knew he'd flood us with the crazy, but we vowed to stay alert as to what could be happening behind these distractions.... Any indications yet that these picks are a smokescreen, hiding even more horrific cruelties?😟
This is fucked up on so many levels. This not only affects the recipients but providers as well. I own a small mental health agency, 80% of my clients are insured with Medicaid.
How can we apply pressure on remaining sane Senators? We must fight this.Too many people's lives ♥️ 💜 🖤will hang in the balance if stripped of h/c..A sicker society is not a productive one in econ terms & struggling families paying for grandma's healthcare when no more Medicare? No more vax?Meds?
Well after all the pleading to President Biden, looks like we are going to be left swinging in the wind . I am so disappointed in so many things and people that I am just frustrated beyond words.
“A study by the British Medical Journal in 2014 concluded that less than half the claims made on The Dr. Oz Show were backed by "some" evidence, and that fell to a third when the threshold was raised to "believable" evidence…”
Sometimes an incompetent lazy fool is less dangerous than an intelligent narcissist
Dang ! just realized if his appointments are not rapist then they are narcissist! I guess so he feels at home
Spread the wwword.
Cutting SNAP will impact nearly 30,000 active duty soldiers, and 1.2 million Veterans.
Kneecap fascists with the bat they hand us.
You can get the wwword out to a wide audience.
Thank you.
Only about 3% of citizens serve in the military.
The only silver lining i can see coming from this is a potential demand for universal Healthcare as a reaction to leaving tens of millions of Americans out in the cold.
Now care from Medicare/Medicaid: Healing crystals and Astrology readings. That should cuts cost significantly. Until the Big Crystal Industry sets their own prices.
Oz has faced criticism for his promotion of pseudoscience, including homeopathy, and alternative medicine. Popular Science and The New Yorker have published critical articles on Oz for giving non-scientific advice. HuffPost has accused Oz of promoting quackery.
Ah, fake doctors, rapists, climate and covid deniers, racists, misogynists...only the finest people on his team! Meanwhile, here we are wondering how we will survive without them both destroying democracy and killing us all.
Medicare, Medicaid, SSI, ACA, CDC, FCC, DOJ, it's a slash & burn targeted to hurt & kill the most vulnerable in their own homes. Why make camps when depriving people of basic food & health services will eliminate their so-called problem, cut budget, no enforcement costs, just straight neglect.
I’m surprised he didn’t appoint Rick Scott who should be in federal prison for the millions that he and his company stole from Medicare.
According to economist (highly recommended!), he won’t be able to attack Social Security’s retirement program. What he’ll go after is the disability insurance portion of Social Security. In other words, increase the suffering of those who already suffering the most.
SSI isn’t just for seniors. It’s used for all of the population that has a severe, debilitating condition. Example: my nephew has spina bifida and gets SSI. Many people rely on it and Drumpf wants to discontinue it. He’s really a despicable person.
Yes! Our daughter has multiple conditions making it impossible for her to work. Since the disabled don’t have the effective lobby of the AARP, nor do they bite in such huge numbers, THAT’S where the cuts will happen.
tRump, do you want more Luigi’s, cause that’s how you get a lot more Luigi’s. You keep FA and you gonna have a really bad FO. Seriously we need more Luigi’s. Lots.
I’m 16 months into filing for my SS disability, I’ve paid in for 33 years and after surviving cancer, fatigue has killed my career.
Sadly #FOFA but it’s the 2nd time people !!
- I can’t forgive anyone for a#TFG vote this time - if you don’t know what’s going on then don’t vote seriously don’t vote
The only people he finds credible are people he watched on TV. Preferably Fox and Newsmax. Maria Bartiromo for Treasury? Or perhaps election integrity czar? Ugh.
Nobody should doubt that he intends to destroy…it all. Really. Focusing our efforts on creating community, remaining safe & planning for our families is the priority now. He intends to demoralize ppl w these noms. No more shock. Believe he’s the monster he’s shown himself to be. And plan. Thx.
If anyone in our government want to get a grip on Medicaid and Medicare spending they should not be looking to the doctors that comprehend jack squat about it and get an RN case manager on the task.
I certainly hope not.
Mr. Medicaid Advantage is going to privatize it all and help the GOP finally kill off Medicaid, Medicare, and the ACA.
Sadly, they need it probably more
than your clients.
This simulation needs a reboot.
Dang ! just realized if his appointments are not rapist then they are narcissist! I guess so he feels at home
Cutting SNAP will impact nearly 30,000 active duty soldiers, and 1.2 million Veterans.
Kneecap fascists with the bat they hand us.
You can get the wwword out to a wide audience.
Thank you.
Only about 3% of citizens serve in the military.
Because they're magically delicious...
Oz has faced criticism for his promotion of pseudoscience, including homeopathy, and alternative medicine. Popular Science and The New Yorker have published critical articles on Oz for giving non-scientific advice. HuffPost has accused Oz of promoting quackery.
I’m 16 months into filing for my SS disability, I’ve paid in for 33 years and after surviving cancer, fatigue has killed my career.
- I can’t forgive anyone for a#TFG vote this time - if you don’t know what’s going on then don’t vote seriously don’t vote
"The America-attacking Trump is coming for our military, and then US..."