Organize, organize, organize. Be relentless. Wave after wave. Tens of thousands to become hundreds of thousands to become millions.
7.4.26. Their end date.
The clock is ticking and we're 1 day closer.
No more F'n around!
We need more Pete’s as spokespersons for the Democratic Party. He can show them how it’s done. I still have my Pete for president 2020 sticker on my computer.
Do I really hate Trump and Musk? Hate really is such a strong word. Let me think...considering all the crimes, rapes, lies, theft, subterfuge, machinations, manipulations, grift, graft, sociopathy, malignant narcissism, lack of empathy for the poor, disabled, etc. my answer is: ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY YES
Jason , it truly is a frightening prospect of what is happening … and in only two weeks . Wonder where we will all be in the next 4 years of Trump . Expect i’m ‘clutching at straws ‘ re Buttigieg.. but surely there has to be some hope …Same as a decent FA Cup draw for us ?
Our ears/eyes aren't the ones that need to hear/see this.
They need to be on all the Right Leaning Media. As many Dems as possible, we who agree know this and have know this.
Dems only have the power of being loud RN
Just remember, there’s more of us than there is of them. We will absolutely take them down. We’re probably just not sure how to go about doing it just yet, but we will do it.
I wonder if that was written before or after they mentioned raising the debt ceiling by 4 trillion dollars? If they do that, no one will stop them from bleeding the coffers.
I thought the article would be ABOUT Buttegieg’s speech. Instead it quotes him twice and then talks about the importance of independent media. I agree that independent media is important, but so is clarity in headline writing and managing expectations.
He and Jasmine Crockett need to start the campaign season now with ralliies and any other way to motivate voters. They are the faces of the Democratic Party!
He not. I’ve never once heard him critique Democrats. He’s a party shill part of the reason we’re all eating this shitburger - Democrats prefer “messaging” over substance. They’ve ignored down-ballot battles for 20yrs (how GOP won) and demanded conformity from the likes of Pete who play along.
I hold mad respect for Pete Buttigieg, but what I need to hear right now id's that Democrats and still sane Republicans are introducing bipartisan articles of impeachment.
7.4.26. Their end date.
The clock is ticking and we're 1 day closer.
No more F'n around!
he is either up there w ushealthcare, pelosi, schumer, maga, msnbc and cnn
or down here w AOC, katie porter, people who demand healthcare and independent youtubers
left and right EW battles
UP and DOWN is the war
They need to be on all the Right Leaning Media. As many Dems as possible, we who agree know this and have know this.
Dems only have the power of being loud RN
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