Besides the two of us? Swalwell I haven't tracked others
You are not self-employed, you work for us. Do your job, do what you were elected to do for us, fight for us. If you are intimidated, or too frightened to do your job, you will be voted out. Not a threat. A promise.*11w3zjj*amp_id*bnhxTmlRVUdKdGl3dWxnMF80M2IzTG0xdWN5S252WWl1WmwzcGJrMlZScUNaRUhKSjRQd1hKWnJzTm9fNWhtMQ
The 🍊💩🤡 gets what the 🍊💩🤡 wants.
Take care. 👊
If he isn’t stopped then the economy will be in freefall by June.
Best of luck.
Maybe he’ll die tonight.
What about national security?
What about the espionage act?
Everybody everyday everybody everyday everybody everyday
Call out your elected officials now PLEASE
Senate 202 224-3121
House 202 225-3121
And don't forget the White House
202 225-3121