Professor X: Hold, old friend. If you wish to take this military base hostage, you first must kill these five fifteen year olds I found.
Magneto: for fuck’s sake, Charles.
Magneto: for fuck’s sake, Charles.
Magneto: I brought my own kids so they could play too.
Mags:...remind me, how am *I* the antagonist here again?
Bobby was 14.
Chuck: No, but if someone dies, I can just erase them from everyone else's memory, so same difference right?
Magneto: I'm turning myself in to the UN
Magneto: this is because i yelled at you isn't it
With an Alt in the basement
"We'll fucking see about that bitch"
The analogy insults both MLK and X, tbh.
Never miss an opportunity to miss the point.
It is also absolutely wild to go "pedantry only distracts" when the original post was an attempt at pedantry.
Fulfilling that part of the deal then occupy the base forever
I’d prefer neither, but it might have just been in thought bubbles.
Fuck Xavier and his Oligarch Dreams…
And they thought an amnesiac character had more storytelling potential than an Apache character, so...