Let it be known that the $60 Trump Bibles these Bible thumpers are putting into schools include Amendments 1-11. The Trump Bible DOES NOT INCLUDE AMENDMENTS 12-27.
How is this not an immediate ACLU lawsuit and immediate disqualification for him to hold office? Even in Oklahoma you can't order people to pray. WTF is going on?
Oklahoma was once 17th ranked in education when a Democratic governor was in charge decade ago and then a republican Governor took over and looked at what happened. 49th in education. Our children don't deserve this, especially getting exposed to religious propaganda like this. Absolutely disgusting
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.” Matthew 6:1
We’re headed for what you have - a monarchy with a state religion - but at the same time losing something you still have - a tolerant liberal democracy.
Irony is everywhere Ted. The States sought independence from the British monarchy because they wanted freedom from the Crown. And the UK is rapidly heading to an atheist populous so the King is head of a faith that few believe in. But I hope we preserve the liberal democracy bit.
The right wing here completely misrepresents our Founders, who were products of the Enlightenment, many of them Deists. It’s no accident that the FIRST words of our FIRST Amendment are “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion …”.
I have your Declaration and our Magna Carta on the wall in my office. Lost count years ago of the number of misquotes/incomprehension by the media and r/w morons
Weird. But I’m not reposting this. This dude just wants to be a MAGA celebrity by drumming up opposition. The teachers in OK already said ya we ain’t doing that. Leave it there. Don’t amplify this obvious cry for Trumps attention.
Was I the only one paying attention in Sunday School?
"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."
It’s not “mocking religious beliefs”. It’s the separation of school and state. This infuriates me! Why is it everything MAGA does is considered “right” and everyone else’s is “wrong”. They’re free to pray to whomever, but they are not free to shove it down peoples throats and impeded civil liberties
This would be funny if it became a meme that an authoritarian barks a ridiculous order and the response is an overwhelming, but calm, "No. We are not going to be doing that."
Do Americans ever consider why Europeans often see you on a similar level to Iran in terms of being a theocracy crippled by a lack of education and plain ignorance..?
I grew up in a small, 90 percent Lutheran town in Finland in the 1980's, and we had religious morning services grades 1-6. Grades 7-12 were "non denominational" held by pupils, and led to some guys playing Black Metal when I was maybe in 8th grade. These were subsequentally dropped.
‘The Oklahoman’ newspaper reports that at least seven school superintendents in the State’s largest districts have no intention of following those instructions. The State AG has their backs…
Just remember how disgruntled and helpless all those moms were during covid when they couldnt send their kids off to school? It should serve as a great reminder for those who would like to abuse educators.
Another 11 minutes of my life I'm never getting back, LOL. I didn't know that anyone on CNN knew how to push back. She did an okay job.
I despise the incivility of MAGA. It started with the Tea Party. They cannot be civil when being interviewed. He's just another smug asshole masquerading as a Xian
Are you sure this is not the first of a comedy series, Ron??
I'm an Aussie and cannot believe that such fools exist. Perhaps he thinks some movie producer will snap him up for a leading part in the next Handmaids Tale.
I’m sorry, the people refusing his order are the ones ‘mocking religious liberty’? His definition of religious liberty is forcing everyone to watch him pray? What a fucker.
OMG. This is so horrific. As a teacher and as a believer in separation between church and state and between false idols and state, I am appalled. It's going to be like this every day, isn't it?
Well he’s gonna be getting a high paying government job he completely unqualified for, you too can get a do nothing job in the do nothing administration just for being an orange pud sucker,
Why isn't he buried in lawsuits? What the hell is wrong with parents, lawmakers in that city/state to let this Evilgelical asshole get away with this crap?
Guess he forgot about Matt 6:6 "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."
Funny enough, the Oklahoma Constitution is actually more explicit in the separation of church and state than the US Constitution. Walter’s is just an a-hole who doesn’t care and wants to gain political points.
Wait til this gets to SCOTUS though; they'll decide that the establishment clause doesn't include Oklahoma, or some other nonsense, and it will be settled law.
They should make sure he includes praying that Trump asks for forgiveness for his sexual assaults, paying off a porn star, and electing sexual predators to head the greatest country in the world.
Americans need reminding that the First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". Publicly funded schools should not engage in promoting a particular religion.
It’s not discrimination against Christians. It’s protecting everyone’s rights.
Just wait 'til he releases the video showing his anointment as Oklahoma Prophet of Pedantry, to be hereafter approached only by believers, on their knees and with eyes averted...
Does his "religious freedom" permit prayer by an imam, rabbi, shaman, etc? He's forcing his beliefs on children and families of different faiths. But yeah, religious freedom for his brand of religion only.
He must be trying to build a special relationship with Donald Donaldovich Trumpin, akin to that of Ramzan Oklahomatovich Kadyrov with comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich.
Somebody call mental health services, please. His fellow citizens should be asking for a refund of paid taxes.
Let it be known that the $60 Trump Bibles these Bible thumpers are putting into schools include Amendments 1-11. The Trump Bible DOES NOT INCLUDE AMENDMENTS 12-27.
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.” Matthew 6:1
#Hypocrite #FakeChristian
"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."
Matthew 6:5
And that fanatic's bleat sure smells like shee....
Seriously, as a teacher, this pisses me off big-time!
If they choose to keep this jabroni as Super, they take what they get.
doesn't know how to use an apostrophe.
I despise the incivility of MAGA. It started with the Tea Party. They cannot be civil when being interviewed. He's just another smug asshole masquerading as a Xian
I'm an Aussie and cannot believe that such fools exist. Perhaps he thinks some movie producer will snap him up for a leading part in the next Handmaids Tale.
It’s not discrimination against Christians. It’s protecting everyone’s rights.
We are so fucked.
Possible pick for trump's next Ed. Sec?
Somebody call mental health services, please. His fellow citizens should be asking for a refund of paid taxes.