And that they are even lending an ear to an unelected druggie high on ketamine who is possibly an illegal citizen just so he won't pressure some poor rube into running against them. Fools!
Always expected to be the adults in the room and do the greater good. These assholes claim they have some kind of mandate so time to do some actual work for once.
It's sad the new president can't do simple math. Wait. Isn't he some kind of genius? Even President Musk should know about counting votes. There's probably a very smart Algebra equation about that, but I'm a simple woman who does simple math. R's need D's for at least a couple of months.
Everything is the Dems fault if you’re MAGA.
Grievance as far as the eye can see, cognitive delusion emanating from every information platform telling them what to think. Dems response? Outrage as far as the eye can see but NO ACTION
Didn't the Bible teach MAGA's GOPs ..Proverbs 24:28-29
Don't talk about your neighbors behind their backs— no slander or gossip, please. Don't say to anyone, “I'll get back at you for what you did to me. I'll make you pay for what you did!”
GOP Christians are a bunch of spineless hypocrites.
38 Republicans voted against their own House Speaker and JD Vance is cussing 🤬 up a storm blaming the Democrats. Make that attempt by Vance to project blame make sense …..
Isn’t great how much POWER they give dems? Wow. We must be like super powerful to be able to make like minded people hate each other and make bad choices.
This only works in the Dems favor, too many different factions fighting for power. Too many unhinged but jobs getting positions they don't deserve, jealousy can get real ugly.
DOG-E really stands for DOG Excrement (or Shit for short). Prez Elon and his lap dog coined the phrase and proved it was shit by killing the CR. Democrats need to stand firm and continue their opposition.
As a penitent Dem, allow me to say to the illustrious Drumpf Party, "Meaculpa." I will amend the error of my ways. I will wear ashes & sack cloth & will self-flagelate daily.
It’s Democrat’s fault that Republicans aren’t certain that they really, truly want to end the American democratic experiment, and throw their daughters to the wolves with no recourse, just to be one of the dude bros with a plane.
I feel like it’s been two years of republicans demanding that democrats bail them out of the chaos the republicans themselves have caused. Nah. Not anymore.
It has been said we can control the weather. We are vampires. I guess we can control minds and can tell these people to fight with each other. Just ask MTG and Rosanne.
They had 2 bi-partisan bills, they all sat together and worked it all out. Then the magas let the orange clown talk them out of it. They blame the Dems cause the clown won’t accept the truth …
Because, eventually, they pass a bill that will draw enough Democrats, and that makes it a sane bill and all people remember at that point is that the bill passed.
Blaming Dems for everything is always their lame azz "argument". I mean, right wing guy shoots at Trump in PA, and it's the Dems' fault for their "rhetoric".
The GOP are trying to get a SOUTH AFRICAN as president by putting Musk in as speaker. Circumventing the rules of the U$ governance.
Just think of Charlie Brown with Lucy playing football! LOL!
Just like Lucy blames Charlie, the GOP blames everyone else!
Weird, weird country.
Next level gaslighting. That's the crap an abusive partner says when beating you. Look what you made me do! The success or failure falls to the republicans; it's why the house speaker is a republican. Otherwise, we'd have a dem speaker, and wouldn't be discussing this BS.
Sez the chronically dishonest GOP surrogates! No matter how bad Trump or the inept MAGA-Republicans are, the GOP talking heads twist themselves into a pretzel and lie every time; blaming the Democrats because God forbid they ever admit their failures!
Because, of course it is. What’s really disgusting right now though is that the media STILL won’t get their shit together and call them out for a single thing. Instead, they are going after Biden again. It’s truly disgusting what this man has endured the last four years.
According to pretty much everyone, everything that's wrong is Democrats' fault regardless if they're on the right or left side of the aisle.
Republicans are dysfunctional and can’t govern? Shame on Democrats for not saving them from themselves. Yet they are more trusted on the economy?
Dumpster Fire 2016.
Well then, I say “Good for us!”
We’re finally doing something right.
Grievance as far as the eye can see, cognitive delusion emanating from every information platform telling them what to think. Dems response? Outrage as far as the eye can see but NO ACTION
Time to double down.
Don't talk about your neighbors behind their backs— no slander or gossip, please. Don't say to anyone, “I'll get back at you for what you did to me. I'll make you pay for what you did!”
GOP Christians are a bunch of spineless hypocrites.
if a convicted rapist, pedophile, racist con artist beats old guard dems twice, time to put Jasmine Crockett in charge of democrats.
Democrats fault
Sun setting in the West
Democrats fault
Wind blowing
Democrats fault
We do ALL the things.
When TF did MAGA ever take responsibility for their mistakes?
You're welcome.
Just think of Charlie Brown with Lucy playing football! LOL!
Just like Lucy blames Charlie, the GOP blames everyone else!
Weird, weird country.
“Mom, he’s on my side of the car.”
“Mom, why’d you have him?”
Why are we investing in truth bots?