The depravity we have seen is unparalleled in American history. That little bj that President Clinton got was a serious nothing burger compared to the debauchery of this congress & incoming Russian administration.
This part about Gaetz' friend, Greenberg, falsely accusing his opponent of being a pedophile only to be charged with sex trafficking a minor himself. The hypocrisy is just on another level with these people.
100%. Even in the opening of this ethics report it was mentioned how they kept having to reach out to the DOJ for information and the DOJ drug their feet. Wouldn’t surprise me if people were dragging their feet at the state level too.
So where is the real one. This one is hardly worth spending 10 minutes of the committee's time over. Noy a thing in there about adopting a male teenager as a single man, without proper documentation and legal papers. Surely that could at least have been mentioned?
"Conservatism" isn't hard to
understand. All their entire
politics amounts to is find a
cheap bottle to suck down
and some bovine animal who
shares their bigotry to fuck
and pass on all their toxic
traits to a new generation
over and over...and so here
the fuck we are. ☢️☣️🚫
Yeah, but, who cares? They backpedaled it long enough to get him past his election. He's gonna serve 6 more years in the senate. Right? Tell me I'm wrong. Please tell me I'm wrong.
🤣 The look 🤨 when the #FloridaMan #pedofile 🤬🖕🏻 #MattGaetz 🧟♂️ realized that he just got “PUNKED” by the “One And Only” and the ✨GREAT ✨ 🇺🇸!!! 🤣
OMFG, the focus on Mangione is ridiculous.
Poor kids got shot up at school but that isn’t worth more than “thoughts & prayers” but ABC News has made a special about Mangione.
I hope these news media outlets see a drastic downturn in viewership because, you know, they are not reporting actual news.
They have already seen a downturn in viewership because the rest of their programming is garbage. The news is barely worth a look, and it's entertaining to see what they leave out. Quite often they leave out so much that they have to show news from 3 days earlier.
Good. They deserve low ratings seeing they are not doing their job. While there may be some good souls out there, corporations have ruined journalism.
Oh, don’t get name started on the term “breaking news”. It is used so much that it literally has lost all meaning. (Looking at you again, ABC News)
We're all asking the obvious question in a world controlled by Musk propaganda - the reason this POS purchased Twitter/X (financed by Saudi Prince and Putin).
WTF is this POS not being criminally prosecuted!!!
And it's been sat on for years. Seems like they should have taken one quick look and asked for his resignation or else a special prosecutor. Where is justice. swift any more?
It’s confirmed that MAGAetz is a pedophile, drug dealer and an evil human. The Retrumplicans knew who MAGAetz was and what he’d done and excepted him into their pedo cult!
The GOP and they're endless projection. All of their Qanon idiocy... It sounds like all of the "Groomers" are actually among them. Mr. religious righteousness, Moses Mike Johnson, wants to hide these facts. Sounds like Little Johnson is protecting a pedophile. Kinda like the Catholic Church 🤣🤣🤣
I can't think of anybody who more earned a few hundred dollars than some poor woman who had sex with Matt Gaetz. Maybe the guy who cleans out the porta-johns at the highway rest stops, but it's close.
He’s not going to be spilling any secrets. Just like that Cawthorn guy he will just fade away into the ether and there will be another douche bag to fill his shoes. There were a few thousand of them at the Turning Man or whatever that thing was last weekend.
Well we know that the rest of the Republicans are just as bad if not worse than him that's why they are ok with him and his shenanigans. It's criminal that he and a majority of the Republican party are not in jail
People are already defending him and/or denying the report as if their lives and belief system depended on it. Americans are drunks at a tailgate party.
That would require the FBI, DOJ, or the Florida AG to investigate the House Ethics Committee findings.
Initially, the FBI passed on investigating, and the DOJ investigated and closed the case. Florida officials just don't seem to care.
Florida would never investigate this. Remember who you're dealing with, DeSantis. And I do not know what happened with the doj in the FBI because there seems to be plenty of evidence. So to put it bluntly if the ethics committee finds all this hmmm What happened?
What bothers me most in this report is the failure of the DOJ to prosecute Gaetz and for a total disregard for interagency cooperation with the Ethics Committee. Once again AG Garland failed.
None of this is surprising. But it is unbelievable and disgusting that they've been sitting on this, that Speaker Johnson tried to keep it quiet and that there have not been any charges
17 years old and a junior in HIGH SCHOOL! Imagine Trump doing this to a 13 year old and still becoming President. America is not a Christian nation. They want it to be, but are only willing to be in name-only.
don't know what womp womp means. I'm going for e) now the reports on the rest of the shitballs he's nominated. I'm especially interested in Kash "Ol' Crazy Eyes" Patel's doings.
?? okay thanks. I've never watched a game show. I grew up without television, and when I finally got it, I found my attention span for watching light patterns passively is almost nil. I still can't watch any video for longer than about 2 minutes before I'm bored stiff.
I'm never going to get it. I have an extremely long attention span for music but nearly none for TV or movies and consequently I don't know any tropes which is what this seems to be. But it was just a comment and my intent is not to ruin the joke.
It means they are pigs, and they lack intelligence and humanity to actually carry on an intelligent and empathetic conversation. If only these idiot networks would stop bringing these lowlifes on TV. It's just adding more fuel to the already ignorant masses' fires.
Yeah, so sorry that the "womp womp" reference went right over your head. It was in NO way downplaying that vile piece of shit's crimes, but rather his reaction to being exposed.
And don't forget that the Republicans wanted to prevent this report from coming out. Because they accept this behavior, and don't feel it should be disqualifying.
Why didn't the DA in Florida? They successfully prosecuted Greenberg, but didn't even look at Gaetz? $10 says the DA at the time is a friend of Trumps who wouldn't dare go after Trump's buddy, Matt.
People seem to think that the “age of consent” applies to Adults and minors, and that somehow 17 is “adult enough”.
Shame on these, mostly men, who are excusing him, and the women who knew better from the start.
Statutory Rape is a thing because CHILDREN aren’t legally able to choose.
And yet Trump World believes their Lord Trump can do no wrong. Their Lord Trump knew the allegations about Gaetz were extensive and credible and yet their Lord Trump went with Gaetz. Gaetz, Jeff Epstein and Trump seem to have a thing for sexually exploiting teenage girls.
Our courts have been purchased.
So have our politicians.
The bribery that bought them was codified into law in 2010.
That led to lax monopoly laws.
Our media and news was concentrated under the power of the same men who bought everything else.
We cannot vote our way out of this.
I remember the occasion pretty clearly. He threatened Cohen shortly before he was taking the stand, and he did it publicly on Twitter, no less. Back then, I was pretty sure that move would get him disbarred, but boy, was I naive.
Why the outrage over paying for sex yet drug use is being downplayed? Everyone in office is using... so no big deal? GOP wanted this hidden. Teen sex is especially horrible, but it's frightening to think that our government is being run by drug users. Whatever happened to having strong moral fiber?
I am sure good ol Ron DeSantis will totally get the FL attorney general and some good DAs on the case. He does after all represent the party of law and order here in FL. Right?
"Conservatism" isn't hard to
understand. All their entire
politics amounts to is find a
cheap bottle to suck down
and some bovine animal who
shares their bigotry to fuck
and pass on all their toxic
traits to a new generation
over and over...and so here
the fuck we are. ☢️☣️🚫
So now will the MAGA House accept that not only is Matt a perv, but that he is guilty of their more important sin of being MAGAficially fiscally irresponsible? So heads up Matt wannabes—don’t leave paper trails.
The party of ‘family values’ and ‘law and order.’ Uh huh.
Could it be the DA is a Republican friend of Trump? When this was going on, did some calls get made on behalf of Gaetz to put aside prosecution?
This stinks.
understand. All their entire
politics amounts to is find a
cheap bottle to suck down
and some bovine animal who
shares their bigotry to fuck
and pass on all their toxic
traits to a new generation
over and over...and so here
the fuck we are. ☢️☣️🚫
Every bit helps #JusticeMatters
Elon Musk lauds Matt Gaetz
Congress releases the Matt Gaetz investigation report
Poor kids got shot up at school but that isn’t worth more than “thoughts & prayers” but ABC News has made a special about Mangione.
I hope these news media outlets see a drastic downturn in viewership because, you know, they are not reporting actual news.
Oh, don’t get name started on the term “breaking news”. It is used so much that it literally has lost all meaning. (Looking at you again, ABC News)
WTF is this POS not being criminally prosecuted!!!
Get angry, stay angry, and NEVER FORGET!!
Garland was Bidens biggest mistake.
Haven’t we all had moments of paying people for things they never did or earned?
Initially, the FBI passed on investigating, and the DOJ investigated and closed the case. Florida officials just don't seem to care.
Throw him under the prison
Kamala was too female and too brown.
He won't of course.
What a disappointment.
He is all over the Epstein Files
a) Thoughts & Prayers b) Womp Womp c) It is what it is or d) I really don't care, do you?
I read he's threatening to expose others which could end up with him getting himself Epstein'd. Oh well...FAFO!
Your response SHOULD BE to focus on the victims of his evil acts, but yeah.
Womp womp or some bullshit.
Woke my ass.
Have a blessed day, won't you?!
Just Imagine if the GIRL had been a CEO…
Shame on these, mostly men, who are excusing him, and the women who knew better from the start.
Statutory Rape is a thing because CHILDREN aren’t legally able to choose.
What’s that all about?
Our courts have been purchased.
So have our politicians.
The bribery that bought them was codified into law in 2010.
That led to lax monopoly laws.
Our media and news was concentrated under the power of the same men who bought everything else.
We cannot vote our way out of this.
Gaetz? Matt Gaetz? Never heard of him.
Donald Trump:
whatever my dear leader just said.
Seemed more like a threat to Michael Cohen at the time. 1/2
Let’s talk about Pelosi’s insider trading. Let’s talk about Gaza. Let’s talk about the upcoming Trump disaster.
understand. All their entire
politics amounts to is find a
cheap bottle to suck down
and some bovine animal who
shares their bigotry to fuck
and pass on all their toxic
traits to a new generation
over and over...and so here
the fuck we are. ☢️☣️🚫
Mike Johnson read this report and tried to bury it.
I am beginning to doubt Mike Johnson's religious piety.
(Not my words, but wish I thought of it.)