Fox & Trump this morning - A migrant terrorist drove across the border with this truck 2 days ago. Biden’s fault!
Hours later - It was a US citizen born in Texas. And this is about the truck:
Hours later - It was a US citizen born in Texas. And this is about the truck:
Joyce Vance says, don't rush to conclusions.
That there is news (said no one, ever)
I believe you btw, just want to see it for myself.
Maybe I'm just too old to understand the deeper story this reporter is developing.
And we have this thing called the First Amendment
White truck
Driving like a bat out of hell
Rage addiction
Penchant for chaos
"Just making stuff up".
Stochastic terrorism.
Fvck you Donald Trump.
You are responsible for unleashing homicidal maniacs like this.
Hell of a way to start the New Year.
History will not be kind to you.
That is if we even have a history left after the next four years of your upcoming horror show.
BUT Congress passed “Authorization for Use of Military Force” 3 days after, giving every president since Bush to use the military to go after al Qaeda & Taliban as well as any of their supporters (like ISIS)
Meaning someone else may have had the vehicle than the suspect in the time investigated?
… all six of them!
Apparently trump tweeted " when I said that the criminals coming in are far worse..." So unfortunately most maga will stick to the immigrant narrative.
According to preliminary information, Jabber, a U.S. citizen born in Texas,
No follow up story will happen.
Not one other media outlet will challenge Fox on why they suggested he was a migrant.
The damage has already been done. MAGA is convinced any non-white non-American is a terrorist and rapist.
And Fox broadcasts the blasts.
Even a full-time fact checker, working 12-hour shifts probably could not keep up.
It's all so disgusting.
And you have to ask which one? Are you talking about one of the 83 school shooting in 2024 alone?!
Is this a lie to generate outrage or are they really tracking folks like that?
It says the truck was spotted at the border.
While I don't know which border they're referring to, I've been across the El Paso TX border many times, and there are cameras EVERYWHERE.
The federal Gov track people and vehicles that approach the border as part of their routine surveillance.
So, I'm not sure I follow your analogy about "Joe" visiting his family in that context.
Isn’t slogan where democracy goes to die??
EZ Pass does this: it isn't magic.
Red state on red state terrorism. MAGA!
“The suspect has been identified by a law enforcement source as 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar.
The source said Jabbar was carrying an ISIS flag in the truck, and authorities have said he was dressed in military gear. “
Hours ago, it was learned that a migrant terrorist drove across the border......