It shows how she spends her money. Funny. She's got a worse win loss record than the Cleveland Browns over the last 20 years. And I'm a die hard Brown's fan.
Haba looks like she had her credit cut and had to rummage through the 1 Ruble bin at the Moscow Salvation Army. The MTG clone has on thigh-high boots not made for walking ; more like boots made for stomping on constitutional rights. The pathetic thing is, they think who they are.
I so miss the days when people in the white house dressed like they were representing the most powerful nation on the planet instead of looking like they were low-rent Russian call girls who got to take some clothes that "fell off a truck" somewhere in little Odessa.
Job description: eye candy!
“Somebody said to me, ‘Alina would you rather be smart or pretty?’ And I said, ‘Oh, easy, pretty. You can fake being smart,'” she added.
“Listen, you have to be honest,” she continues. “It doesn’t hurt to be good-looking in this world."
How's that fake smart thing going?
I would prefer to criticize her greedy, ethic and intelligence lacking professionalism but she makes the appearance thing too easy. Ugh, bringing ugly to the 'work it girl', ted cruz uses her exhibit A to come up with 'everything is for sale'
Habba is a total jerk. She embarrassed herself in court and lost the case, costing Trump hundreds of thousands. Fast forward,and she is parading around Mar a Lago pool in a bikini. What the hell is she doing working in the White House????
She arouses Trump, she has a big MAGA mouth in front of cameras, sounds confident no matter what lie she is selling, is sexy looking, has no morals, never questions Trump. This is the job description.
Why do all the women around Trump have that same look. Like they have staged Insta accounts where they spend their day posting a fabulous life they are renting.
Why are all his lawyers DEI? They fit the cheerleader white girl demographic almost like he picked them for these attributes rather than their merit because we know that even in MAGA land there are more qualified chumps available of the white male persuasion, right? 😜
I wish her nothing but pain and suffering.
maybe taking her cue from the man in black
Mamma's duties.. 😚
When titties is too adult.
“Somebody said to me, ‘Alina would you rather be smart or pretty?’ And I said, ‘Oh, easy, pretty. You can fake being smart,'” she added.
“Listen, you have to be honest,” she continues. “It doesn’t hurt to be good-looking in this world."
How's that fake smart thing going?
The biggest traitor in our country's history.
I hear she's 'head advisor'
Sorry to much?
- sucked orange man
- sucked Elon
- sucked Don Jr.
- sucked Eric
- sucked Rudy G.
Wonder what other visitors have been by?
That brain rot might transfer to the penis.
Excuse me, my mistake, a FASCIST show.
DUTIES: Look blonde, keep smiling.
It's not hard really, any fuckwit could do it.
I wonder what the pay grade is?🤔
Mar-a-Lago face.
"Two cvnts walk up to a microphone..."