He’s always projecting his own crimes. It’s pathetic that so many couldn’t see through this. And that’s how I feel about all his supporters. It’s sad and pathetic. Don’t be angry at them. That’s what they want. Talk to them like they’re children. Hate is a cycle and it will come back around to him.
He denied he did it. Bare faced sat there and pretended he didn't do it. Didn't even flinch. He lies so much he doesn't even realize he does it. America deserves better.
Me too!! I Refuse to give his lying evil putrid ass the benefit of the doubt over 'memory loss'. That vile excuse of a man knows what he's saying. Hoping he'll be given that credit, excuse, as he rewrites events.
I'm so glad you are as angry as I am, but it seems futile when your petitions and showing up with our little protests, which are just old people. They are all Boomers. Seems like we need another Woodstock.
Yeah me too but I’m pretty sure that trumps affection for Putin has less to do with his admiration for him & more to do with his M.O. of transactional moves. His son told a reporter in his first run for office that if they need money they call Russia. I wonder if that has persuaded his loyalty?
That's T666 thing behind close doors with his idol. What.. did they expect Zelensky to get down on bended knee? And for what? Some other meds need to be put into T666's IV
I got old and thought I no longer had any dreams.. but now I definitely have a dream! To live to see the day when trump, vance, and all the maga are on their knees!
Dear Mr President Zelensky Show pictures and videos from the war in your country .
Maga People “dont know “
what the russian soldiers are doing with your families .🙏💛💙🆘🆘🆘🆘
Narcissists are never wrong and they never apologize. I have experience with him when his father reprimanded him for trying to get his subcontractors to do something not in the contract, and Donald just continued on his merry old way of continuing to try to get us not to be paid for extra work.
Sadly, the majority of trump voters are fools who will suffer as much if not more than the rest of us. They need to wake up not to be imprisoned. All of MAGA definitely need to rounded up and on trial for Treason!
I expected tRump to threaten Zelensky with blocking his internet acces to Starlink as well. Did he forget or is he hanging on to that for later? Or is he waiting for Musk to put his 5 cents in as well? He's put his nose in everything else so far.
All you have to do with people like Trump who live in a make believe world is present them with facts. Make them aware of truths they can't hide from. To their face. Shatters their entire existence.
Helping people see a different perspective is real power. No guns or bombs needed.
Yeah, because he didn’t. He just conveniently “forgot” that he ever said it. Maybe he is losing some of his stable geniusness in his old age as it has been a while since "Person, woman, man, camera, TV"
There is no apology for Trump and Vance. There is only disgust and nausea. There is no honor in their bullying tirade. They are a disgrace and so are the Republican Senators and Representatives who support them
Thank you. We all need to read and be reminded of it many times. On the personal level, I’m really starting to think about another plan but yep, we got this.
He did, it was the greatest apology that was ever made. A big guy came to him, tears in his eyes and said, this apology you made ...sob, you are the greatest man that ever existed. Well, you how it goes. Then Musk repeated it on X, Fox news and JD as well. So it is the new truth.
Oh, Ron! You are being silly! Remember, Trumpie does not 'believe' he said that. You know, just a memory issue. So, he can't apologize when he can't remember....
"you're in no position to dictate"
also trump:
"zelenskyy is a dictator"
I've included Day 2 (The Titans Collide -Trump vs Musk), below...
Day 1 (The Masks Come Off) is in my log.
Guaranteed a very interesting read!!
Why does no one ever respond: "Want to hear the tape?"
As usual lies.
And then dimüed on his lack of a suit.
No one daud squat about Musk's hat im Cabinet meeting did they
Maga People “dont know “
what the russian soldiers are doing with your families .🙏💛💙🆘🆘🆘🆘
is that he didn’t name “American” as the official language of the United States…
and claim that he invented it.
Helping people see a different perspective is real power. No guns or bombs needed.
Maybe Lindsay Graham did it for him out the other side of his mouth.
Looks like Target is feeling the pain fucking losers!
Calling Zelensky a dictator must be a jealousy issue. Gotta be a blow to the ego seeing a real president in action when you’re merely cosplaying one.
I appreciate that you have the energy and the ability to articulate it and share it with so many of us.
Double down on being healthy- mentally & physically. Take care of those around you.
Figure out your own personal role in The Resistance.
Strength and honor.