US taxpayer money should not be used to buy crypto so Trump can enrich himself, family, & friends. Yet again, America needs Republicans in Congress to step up, show some courage, and denounce this scheme. Instead, they will remain silent and propose another bill to honor Trump.
Remember Executive Order establishing the Sovereign Wealth Fund? Remember “Crypto Capital of The World”? - tRump Crypto? - Musk “DOGE Crypto”? - Musk computer nerds in Treasury? Hmmm? Future Treasury Investment? Oops- computer hack? Sorry,Trillions gone? Wonder where?
Because clearly we are not smart people.
They need to all be replaced
Republicans must step up
LMFAO! Yeah, when in the last 3 or 4 decades has that ever happened?
Fraud Intentionally misrepresenting facts to obtain something of value
Waste Misusing funds resources thru unnecessary excessive expenditures
Abuse Using one's position authority for personal gain
Mismanagement Failing to manage budgets expenditures properly
their stupor and realize the toast.
The responses I have gotten repeatedly from my magat Senator (Budd responds...Tillis is silent) and 'Representative' are 'promises made promises kept'. I am not expecting any change of tune or one ounce of courage from those two
He could be enjoying his golden years golfing and spending time with his family. Instead, he took a bullet for this country and is now working overtime. 🤮😂🤣😂
What an effing waste of time and money.
Trump is $2 Billion in personal debt. He’s desperately trying to avoid Russian Window Cancer.
Trump is so leveraged with weaknesses he’ll sell Barron to a Saudi prince for a few crypto.
not for Us
N. KOREA has hacked blockchain!
Only a matter of time now!
Hoo rah!!
Certainly not interested in being an actual president.
Outsourced the function to a private contractor, chose a bunch of clowns for cabinet, and hit the greens.
And we thought he didnt have a sense of humour.
Joke's on us.
“Step up”
“Cold day in hell”
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with🇺🇸🇺🇦
Trump doesn’t do this shit alone.
I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon.
If Republicans did want to pass a law King Trump/Musk would swat them down to a submissive state.
The 'or worse' is a dark place I predict is coming down the track.
They aren't. Instead, they are plugging their ears and screaming so they don't hear what's happening.
It's bizarre.
The Government, including the rapist, is on YOUR payroll and works for YOU, not the other way around. All those being fired also work for YOU!
The orange faced rapist seems to have gotten confused on that issue.
It's a numbers game, show them some BIG numbers!!!!
Just sayin'
'Nuff said.
OTP vp
should be easy to check.
ought to be against the law.
theft, pure and simple.
The N Koreans have already hacked blockchain!
Crypto will be WORTHLESS!
Bring it on, I say!!!!!
The US survives on other countries buying its credit, that is Bonds. Who will buy or want to hold credit based on the transient value of some dodgy cyber coin
This is investing money into liability
I recommend "Resistance Money: A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin" by Andrew M Bailey and others.
He's a grifter, grifting. Bitcoin is simply mathematical money, that's all.
Government money is just soaked in blood. Bitcoin isn't.
In Trump II he is thinking bigger, a bit like Dr. Evil went from a million to a billion. He is now looting the coffers like a Russian oligarch after the fall of the USSR.
My Suggestion as to what the Democratic congressional members should do for the State of the Union.
The hate was just a way to get power.
The power is being used to gain and--importantly--control money through taxpayer $$ and currency.
They are robbing the country and destroying democracy and there’s no push back from them.
First wave of the termination of the Grand Old Party and transformation into the GQP, happened just after Putin hacked the RNC (after he had hacked the DNC).
Any GOP that votes to nakedly steal with this crypto scam needs to be jailed