Let’s organize a contest to accurately guess the girth of Trump’s waistband. He’s playing a significant role in assisting McDonald's billionaire with the acquisition of those daily Happy Meals.
If you were someone who had no idea what was going on & you saw this clip, you’d think you were watching a sort of horror movie where they have a party & everyone is secretly locked in & cannibals are let loose by the host & the ppl were so giddy & drunk they don’t even know they’re being eaten.
And they made fun of Kamala because she laughed and danced. At least she looked like a normal human being while doing so. We could have had that; instead MAGA and the billionaires gave us these two clowns.
Would love to know what is going on here. When and who took the video and where it was placed online. Was there a caption? Lots of cameras... are there more videos? Same time as the SC wildfires are displacing people? Is Lindsey G there?? Just looking for context to go with the nausea.
wtf is wrong with him. $1 million each/ yr for the rest of their lives and he still have no where else to spend the rest of the money. If you teach your kids right, you don't worry about giving them too much. This guy is such a sad sack. I really hope he ends up living under a bridge one day
Yep I see Leon has his human shield by his head.... Where are their suits? They both look so smelly and trashy and disgusting and unhealthy and out of shape..... Time is ticking...
nawp ... ya see in eugenics ya wanna breed for the heritable characteristics that are desirable. Y'all would be really hard pressed to tell me what Musk characteristics are desirable?
Yup! 🇨🇦 is boycotting travel, 🇺🇸products and all we can do. Of course it’s small but if we all do it should help. Stores are not reordering 🇺🇸products.
It will start out peaceful… and just like MLK & George Floyd protests, the police will use violence… and people will fight back
I believe the founding fathers started off non violent also…
Of course start off nonviolent… but violence is inevitable because these obscenely rich men won’t lose power
Unfortunately, Ohio is my state. The 2 new senators had their seats purchased this year. My representative is 1 of 5 and I participated in her town hall last week. This is the state that brought you Vance and Jordan. I am so embarrassed that we have so many of the cult living here.
Hugs to u! We have friends who reside in Ohio, haven’t seen them in years, but their Christmas cards are full of the Lords Blessings & support of Trump. Their drinking the Kool Aid. This year we have decided to end our yearly card & letter exchange. Our family does not associate with fascists.
Excellent! In addition to calling/writing Congress members, I unsubscribed to companies plus sent an email to each telling them why I am permanently boycotting them. I included Amazon/Whole Foods. Those emails were sent to their PR Depts. I posted the email in two large resistance groups as actions.
The owner of the Pour House Restaurant in Vermont screamed at protesters to get off his property. It is very satisfying to comment on his facebook page or leave an online review. Have a little fun! ( VW song)
The reason the French revolution was successful, and why the Second Estate didn't reform after the king came back into power, is because they didn't just attack the head of the family, but took out the entire family line, leaving no legacy. This was the main deterrent.
Unless little x’s mother Grimes wrests control of the 4 yo from his white supremacist father, undoubtedly he will end up just like felon47’s stupid & reckless offspring.
Where's their fucking email reporting on everything they did over the past week! Playing golf, skiing, playing video games, tossing around on X, attempting extortion from a country under war, wtf sort of productivity specimens are these???
Have you ever seen anything more embarrassing than Trump walking around like an impaired person doing stupid things? He's under someone else's influence.
They Use Say That Baby Boomers Would Destroy This Country Guess They Were Right A Boomer Is Destroying This Country,The Most Spoiled Entitled Selfish Greedy Lazy Hypocritical Generation To Ever Exist, Got A Free Ride For 40 years Looked Down A The Barrel Of Middle Age Burnout
& Didn't Like What.....
They Saw,They Became Self Righteous & Made Things Harder For Younger Generations,They Tell'Em Abstain For Sex Say No To Drugs & As For Rock-N-Roll They Sold That To Television Commercials A Long Time Ago To Pasta Machines & Stairmasters & Soybean Futures & They Went From Do Your Own Thing To...
..Just Say No, Love Is All You Need To Who Ever Has The Most Toys Wins,They Went From Cocaine To Rogaine And They Have That Gimme Me It,Its Mine Mentality,So In Conclusion Let Me Just Say Fuck You And Go To Hell You Vultures
Yeah, no. She chose this. She had two more with him. I feel absolutely no sympathy for her, and I DO blame her. She’s horrid just like the rest of them.
Grimes. The child is named Æ A-Xii, called "X" day-to-day. Grimes, the mother, claimed she didn't know that X would be in the Oval Office. I'm not on any other platform, so I don't know if she's making a fuss over how EM is using the toddler as a shield.
I'll hazard a guess that the bill is much greater than that as tRump orders the SS to accommodate agents on his properties and charges premium rates. There were multiple reports of that from his last 4 years of wrecking the USA.
Do you think anybody tells him," dude you look like an idiot". Melania obviously has bailed on AMERICA. You don't see the kids ever since Iran threatened them.
Elon’s son on his shoulders 🤔 A)SOB using child as a shield B)So SOB looks to be towering over everyone in the room C) fill in the blank D) All of the above
More proof of how racist and sexist America is. Even if everything was perfect and all our problems were solved, if Obama, Clinton, or Harris were seen with their unelected, human hand-puppet master, wasting time, the Oath Keepers, Fox News, and Charlie Kirk would be organizing a terrorist attack.
He's always scanning the room for potential threats. After all, his children are all replaceable... but he is not. As long as he can keep producing kids, he will never run out of supply.
I think he also uses him to keep people from verbally confronting him or saying anything mean to his face. He’s a precious little snowflake who uses a small child to protect his fragile ego.
If I knew that millions of people ( not just pre-DJT Americans) were praying, hoping, visualizing you to no longer be with us. I would have my children tucked so far away and with all the security my billions would buy. Not flashing him around like a tiny shield.
Not the lifesaver #Ketaminefuhrer thinks it is.
I feel sorry for the child, being enmeshed in that Tenth Circle of Hell (the one Dante Alighieri was afraid to mention).
Truly. And is that his weirdly-shaped torso (as seen in a previously-circulated photo of him looking severely pasty in black swim trunks...my eyes! 🤮), or is he also wearing a Kevlar vest? 🤔🧐
Idk? Seems strange a sociopath would reason another sociopath or psychopath would hesitate over the life of a child? Maybe more of a social support child like a blanket accessory for security? He is one weird duck!
Because he only eats McDonalds... and not the wraps or salads either. Oh and he seldom walks anywhere - except for the few steps he took in this room to get to the golf cart that was waiting outside....
What grosses me out is those weird movements the POS makes with his hands..
Or a neurological deficit of cerebrovascular cause that persists beyond 24 hours or is interrupted by death within 24 hours (World Health Organization definition)
I thought you were referring to the fat man walking in front of him. 😂 (Laughing at myself) Until I read the thread. Ugh. It is dark, but who knows what they're capable of? I can't see a bottom where either one is concerned.
They would fiddle as the whole mf country burned to the ground. No doubt.
Sowing destruction all around them, ruining peoples' lives, causing hardship and death to aid recipients, and they're horsing around like obnoxious 10 year olds. What a disgrace.
I should've killed that fat, bloated, South African Fuck when I had the chance... he was within a couple miles of me, and at the time, I could've gotten within range to slice open his jugular & paint the room in his Nazi blood
I would've died immediately afterwards, but it would've been worth it ✊️
I know that number is inflated and incorrect, but I’ll bet if people knew that $647 of their income tax was paying for Medicare, science, health, etc. they’d be ok with that. Second, they need to find 8,000x that (maybe more - I don’t know what a trillion is) to fund Trump’s tax cuts for the rich.
Convincing Ukraine to give up its security guarantee and then denying to enforce the security guarantee that they were promised instead.
The US government is a bunch of unreliable traitors. Traitors to the free world and the influence built over 80 years.
Party for them
Stop voting in Florida, Texas, Tennessee and start voting in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina
We know Elmo fears assassination attempts that's why he is always bringing his bullet shield...or, er son along with him.
What does that say about the way those women view him?
Dead beat day.
I love the poorly educated.
Donald J Trump
I am overbooking and doing everything I can to save our democracy. If in the end I fail, at least I know I tried.
Thank you again!
There is a pretty good case for "strategic nonviolence".
All effective non-violent actions had a property damage, and violent alternative that was present.
I believe the founding fathers started off non violent also…
Of course start off nonviolent… but violence is inevitable because these obscenely rich men won’t lose power
- He thinks that is going to stop a would-be assassin
- He needs protection inside the walls of Mar-a-Lago.
Grimes (boy’s mom) has sued the richest man in the world for custody of all three kids. You can see how that went.
Be nice. He did just finish another round of golf. He is probably also stressed about how to put out fires in SC/NC.
He has 14 kids. This one just happens to be the right size. When he gets too big, he will swap him out for another one. Just watch.
& Didn't Like What.....
message to the trolls
That's about another 30 million dollar wasted.
The veterans can sleep on the streets. FDT.
Evidently, they aren't having any egg shortage there.
Melania is as tonedeaf & out of touch with reality as ever.🤬
The 🍊🤡🍊💩 is senile,decrepit,demented,lunatic,psychotic,evil,criminal!!!!
Interesting that Melon Husk doesn't feel safe at the Florida branch of the Kremlin
1. Fuck Trump's gross, rotting corpse; always
2. The botox bigot pixies
3. Musk is still using his kid as a human shield
4. That miserable, South-African, Nazi motherfucker is wearing a Half-Life t-shirt! The whole point of that game and the main character... 🤬
It's bizarre. Parents don't generally run around with their kids glued to them like this. I have to admit: it's a plausible explanation.
AND ..
that's a GOOD THING!!
What's he going to do then?
I feel sorry for the child, being enmeshed in that Tenth Circle of Hell (the one Dante Alighieri was afraid to mention).
What grosses me out is those weird movements the POS makes with his hands..
They would fiddle as the whole mf country burned to the ground. No doubt.
Musk with a human kid shield
I would've died immediately afterwards, but it would've been worth it ✊️
Got his baby shield though.