They will. They have a full marching band of repub influencers, podcasts, boy independent and legacy media to fashion and push mis/disinformation.
Support Independent media. There's a lot of catching up to do.
If there’s one thing you can count on with Schumer & Senate Democrats is that given a choice between standing and fighting or sitting on their hands & caving, it’s the latter that wins out.
They want an offramp so they can say they tried. The OFFRAMP IS COWARDICE.
Yep. When a Republican talks of bipartisanship, he thinks of a Democrat sucking off a Republican. When a Democrat talks of bipartisanship, he also thinks of sucking off a Republican.
Democrats are push-overs; it's why they keep losing.
Squid Game S1 Ep4
Bawal Huminga Tug-of-War. The good team was severely out-powered by the brute strength of the opposing team. The stakes are death.
STRATEGY saved them. Dems must be smarter! For the sake of #democracy. #FreeAmerica #VoteNoFriday #VoteNo
If you're not going to shoot the mother fucker, then at least 🛑 supporting this abomination of a government. Dems will undoubtedly be blamed, so do not vote for the CR. It's a shit deal that abdicates the House's responsibility in running the government.
Grow some balls! Sad
The orange clown party will do everything they can to pin any shutdown on the Dems. But the GOP made it clear that they held all the cards and the Dems didn't get a seat at the table. Anything that happens is all on the GOP. They made their bed; now they have to lie in it.
Vote no on the CR and you get a partial, short term government shutdown that can be blamed on the GOP, or, vote yes to get a complete dismantling of the Federal government that can tagged on you...seems like a no brainer...
Dems need better messaging Not "they" don't have the votes. We are willing to work with our GOP colleagues but we are not willing to vote for a CR that includes cuts that hurt American families. Give us a seat at the table and a clean CR with no extras/cuts for 30 days and let's get to work.
Why are we even talking about a CR? WHY can't Republicans pass a proper budget? They control everything - they have the House, the Senate, the presidency, and arguably the Supreme Court. But if the government shuts down it's the Dem's fault?? Make it make sense.
You would think the fact that the Republicans can not understand plain English would make them more of immigrants than those who pass tests to become citizens!
Good for you. Have you used the 5Calls app? I’m afraid to attempt a call because I believe trump should be assassinated and I probably wouldn’t be able to practice appropriate impulse control 😳
Don't even wish for him to be a martyr. That fake attempt helped him. And he has a shadow team that feeds him things to say, what the Exec Orders are and then let his crazy fly. I haven't used the app but I have made calls and sent emails.
Slightly different take: Dems shouldn't set this up as an invite to negotiate. Messaging should be we won't allow our country to be gutted and dismantled any longer. Enough is enough.
I hope I'm wrong, but I'm convinced enough "Lieberman" D's will fold when it counts. We have to clean house in the midterms and get real opposition in those seats or we are permanently f'd.
Did I hear correctly that the GOP CR has a section that turns the power of the purse over to Trump/ Elon?
Wouldn't that make Congress powerless?#GOPCREndsDemocracy
The Senate Democrats must use the power of the filibuster and vote it down. The Senate Democrats must take a firm stand against Trump and the radical extremist Republicans. They must not allow harmful bills to pass. They must protect the people. Do not be afraid when you are doing what is right.
Almost can't believe the Senate Dems blocked it!
Maybe it's because I called my two Senators and told them it was like giving Trump/Musk a LINE ITEM veto!! LOL...
If the Dems had done a goddamn thing when Musk and Trump targeted the federal workforce I’d agree. As one of the millions of contractors that will be adversely affected by the shutdown, I wish they’d just pass it then focus on doing their jobs going forward.
Dems shouldn't vote for it anyway. Rs certainly wouldn't do it for Dems if the situation were reversed. Wtf else do they need to know? That they'll be primaried if we ever have free & fair elections again?
Support Independent media. There's a lot of catching up to do.
And what do Democrats do? Nothing.
Thank you.
They want an offramp so they can say they tried. The OFFRAMP IS COWARDICE.
Make it make sense.
They'll vote for cloture and then vote no.
Democrats are push-overs; it's why they keep losing.
Bawal Huminga Tug-of-War. The good team was severely out-powered by the brute strength of the opposing team. The stakes are death.
STRATEGY saved them. Dems must be smarter! For the sake of #democracy. #FreeAmerica #VoteNoFriday #VoteNo
If you're not going to shoot the mother fucker, then at least 🛑 supporting this abomination of a government. Dems will undoubtedly be blamed, so do not vote for the CR. It's a shit deal that abdicates the House's responsibility in running the government.
Grow some balls! Sad
Start there obviously, but reigning in their out of control felon should also be a demand.
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
Totally unintelligible
They will complain.
Anyone/everything with this message. We have ONE day to keep them from cowering.
Close it down.
The Republicans and Fetterman will follow Trump over the cliff.
I go with shutting the government down until they come to their senses.
I was rather fond of him at one time.
He really became a disappointment, didn't he.
They have been elected to represent Americans who do not want that. Punto.
It's the only way to slow the GOP
And expose more of Musk/Trump worldview to those who don't care right now
Wouldn't that make Congress powerless?#GOPCREndsDemocracy
seems like it was pulling hens teeth for something so clear
Maybe it's because I called my two Senators and told them it was like giving Trump/Musk a LINE ITEM veto!! LOL...
....using logic against people not even capable of common sense