the only wine that can me called champagne is from the champanois region in France….can this loser ever get a fact straight…the USA isn’t making champagne, just cheap sparkling wine
We dont make Champagne in America. Champagne only comes from France. We make sparkling wine. So, theres that. Had no idea he owned a winery. What's the name, so I can avoid that and tell others.
These ridiculous posts day after day, full of grievance and outright lies, continually make Trump look more and more unhinged. That reality is now pretty evident.
What a sad turn for our country and it's leaders. Come on 2026 - We need to rescue our government and try to stop the bleeding
Rather than expanding the US economy & opportunity based on sound economic policies, DJT now employs wild, Wild West stagecoach robberies and outright global economic vandalism. #Trumprecession
He knows nothing about sound economic policies. He knows nothing about how the economy. He doesn't even know how to run a business, according to the extensive list of companies he's run into the ground. He's just a big phony, the great wannabe!
AND he takes that one out on the road with him. Dude plays the part of the victim sofaking often it's truly a wonder he's not followed around by a white chalk-outline, a roll of yellow Crime Scene Tape & an entire Forensics Team!
The rest of the world needs to shut us out, stop deliveries, and make it known they are only doing it because Trump is an idiot lunatic. Then, let American calls go straight to vm until he capitulates on national tv.
Everything is about self-dealing. He is the most corrupt president ever. In fact, he should be in jail or at least on trail for the litany of felonies he was charged with.
Trump Winery (formerly Kluge Estate Winery and Vineyard [3]) is a winery on Trump Vineyard Estates in the Piedmont region of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the county of Albemarle
The "sole purpose... was to take advantage of the US". Paranoid delusions can sometimes be cured with anti-psychotic medications. In the interest of efficiency, maybe just spray the White House with an anti-psychotic liquid during a cabinet meeting.
Obviously he has totally changed his strong stance against alcohol, if it can make him some money. It seems there’s nothing he won’t flip his opinion about, to profit off of.
The same procedure as in 2017, when Trump imposed tariffs on EU commodities such as steel and the EU retaliated with tariffs on bourbon whisky, Harley-Davidson motorcycles... and so on.
He learns nothing. He´s dumb.
With the same result: a juiced stock market and buying in the dip. This time he makes billions instead of millions. There ought to be a law against it. Why didn't the Dems pass such a law during Biden?
I sense the duty free at LHR will also do well out of this.
“Clothes and personal possessions? I have no need for these things. Please fill my carry on and my hold luggage with a selection of French wine and Irish whiskey…”
Looks like Canada will be smuggling European booze into the USA. Prohibition round two?
Will his hotel restaurants & casinos be exempt? Oh wait, those are already bankrupt.
Keyboard terrorist tRump at it again.
What does he know about wine? Doesn’t he drink Diet Coke?
He is only concerned because it would directly effect his winery income.
So what's going to happen when Canada is joined by other countries in boycotting U.S. products and applying tariffs to U.S. products? He keeps this up it'll be him against the world. Will the U.S. be able to survive all of it?
Yes, they have. What I'm trying to say is he brushes off Canada's boycott and tariffs as if it has no effect but when other countries do likewise won't that be too big a punch? I hope.
Does he know it, though? Some posts imply that he fundamentally doesn't understand tariffs. If he really thinks the EU pays these tariffs (as opposed to the consumer), he may not realize this benefits his winery. (I'm not convinced he thinks the EU will pay these tariffs - he lies like he breathes.)
Is he seriously threatening France with champagne and wine?!?
Europe, threatening Europe with tariffs on booze 🤣🤣. Oh dear American 🍊💩, keep at it buddy, you doing great!
On the other hand it's free trade for Canada-Europe, with no US waste of if space, can't wait for more European choices 🍷🍷
He’s too fucking stupid to know the difference. Look at him, making enemies of allies & buddying up to Dictators. The US is not the ‘Centre of the World’, & Europe has been around for a Hell of a lot longer. He’s burning every bridge, he needs to fucking die, & not soon enough 🤬
I didn't know he even had a winery. I generally like wines from the Blue Ridge mountains and the hills along US 29. He's not going to displace my favorites. Good god, what overpriced stuff.
He's like a smart person. There was me thinking it was formed after the continent of Europe was recovering from the ravages of WW2 and concerned about the nuclear threat of the Soviet Union which had colonised much of eastern Europe. But what would I know?
I dunno. The customer pacing the wine shelves in the liquor store looking for a nice Beaujolais isn’t going to substitute it for the shit coming from his vineyards
"Look, I am the best at knowing what tariffs are all about," Trump sputtered. "There's rules. I can put any percentage number tariff on any country for anything I want to. And NO country can put a tariff on us for doing that. The end. Everyone knows those are the tariff rules."
Champagne can only come from the Champagne region of France. If it’s not from there it’s sparkling wine. Whenever Trump talks, all I hear is “bitch, bitch, bitch, bullshit, bullshit, lie, MAGA, win, lie, I’m the best.”
We know he doesn’t give a damn about people, so we can only conclude that Canada’s targeting of Kentucky/Tennessee whiskies is beginning to threaten Republican unity ?
It’s in the middle of nowhere, outside of Charlottesville. I was going to pee on the sign and hopefully get my 91 yo mom to take a pic but the place was open for tours and there were MAGATs swarming
And? They don’t care!
Rule of law is impotent. We must make them care - very soon.
March on evangelical churches (eg, SBC) who tied Salvation to support for Trumpism in pursuit of Christian White Nationalism, until they condemn Trump’s insanity.
🇨🇦🇺🇦🤔I would actually look at it at different way-
Donald Trump’s winery aka “Trump Winery” of Albemarle, Virginia will have a wake-up call when the demand for his product shrivels up.
He can’t make money if he can’t sell it!
He started this trade war-
Not just with Canada, but the world will respond!
Wait a second there’s a whole shit ton of us that like things from different countries. We enjoy imported items. We love learning about different cultures. We let them we’re not all the same… fuck Donald, give it a rest!
I live near his winery and the product is trash. I’d never spend a penny on his stuff but tasted the wine at someone’s home. Ripping people off like everything he touches. Of course the local magats keep it in business.
His tantrums are getting worse. He’s going nuclear all the time. He’s fucking nuts. Do we really have to wait for a nuclear strike before people who can remove him actually do anything?
Because he is allowing them to use him to get what they want. All he wanted was to not to go to jail. They ensured that. Now he will let them rape the country. Fair trade-off as long as he keeps is shiny toys.
I read some article of a woman who voted and she said sure she likes the elimination of fraud and saving money but she DIDNT EXPECT anything as crazy and indiscriminate bullshit like this and she needs to "re-evaluate" her voting next time 😅
Honestly, I think it’s because Trump wants a Nobel, plus he’s still mad that flags were at half mast on his inauguration day. Carter earned a Nobel and the nation mourned his death. Patel is cutting favor with Trump my trying to tarnish Carter’s legacy.
If told he can't use the name, after his screaming breakdown Trump would rename his crément to 'Trumppagne,' which is accurate but would never be used by the non-buying public while 'Trump's Ex-crément' exists.
No, but there's a growing US sparkling wine industry that uses méthode champenoise that will be thrilled by increased access to a market that recognizes the difference between them and forced carbonation.
Does Trump really think the European Union was created to mess with the US? Can someone tell Trump, the world doesn’t revolve around him. That ship has sailed. The world is not taking advantage of the US, give it a rest. The world has always helped the US for free, yet he never mentions this.
He’s such a buzz kill. Americans will now pay ridiculous prices for delicious French, Spanish and Italian wines. Also, he’s inflaming tensions in Middle East, Europe and just about anywhere he can. How on earth do so many Americans admire him?
There is no champagne business in America. Champagne can only come from the Champagne region in France. America may make sparkling wine but they could never make champagne.
He'll back down at the first sign of trouble; when Europe join Canada in boycotting US products and his economy gets even worse.
I don't think he realises that when the tariffs go away, the customers wont come back. The damage has been done.
I also hate FUCKING TRUMP!!!!
Trump sucks nazi dick ballz!!!
Napa Valley is also the only PDO/DOC type designation for *anything* in the USA.
Only francosnobs sniff at the use of the generic term.
Francosnob? moi?
that's a cry for help right there, from the nation that conquered the world in an unsuccessful attempt to improve its cuisine
that's cooking to the pain
dear god, what is that thing
Just like French Champagne but tastes like fraud!
What a sad turn for our country and it's leaders. Come on 2026 - We need to rescue our government and try to stop the bleeding
Needs to be removed asap
Push back TAKE ACTION!
Level of class = TrumpUniversity.
Trump Winery
385 Albemarle House Dr, Charlottesville, VA 22902
"Greatest wine ever made. Hints of oak, elderberry, and gruel!"
Act accordingly.
Please let’s get it straight EVERYTHING the convicted felon does WILL BENEFIT HIM!
Trump Winery (formerly Kluge Estate Winery and Vineyard [3]) is a winery on Trump Vineyard Estates in the Piedmont region of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the county of Albemarle
He learns nothing. He´s dumb.
“Clothes and personal possessions? I have no need for these things. Please fill my carry on and my hold luggage with a selection of French wine and Irish whiskey…”
Will his hotel restaurants & casinos be exempt? Oh wait, those are already bankrupt.
What does he know about wine? Doesn’t he drink Diet Coke?
He is only concerned because it would directly effect his winery income.
He’s such a fucking asshole
It’s going to be American alone.
Maybe that’s what he wants.
I dismisses Canada but he will do so at his own peril.
Mark Carney is heading to London and Paris next week 💪🏻
Everything this man does benefits himself and those in his circle!
How more apparent can it be at this point!
Europe, threatening Europe with tariffs on booze 🤣🤣. Oh dear American 🍊💩, keep at it buddy, you doing great!
On the other hand it's free trade for Canada-Europe, with no US waste of if space, can't wait for more European choices 🍷🍷
I'm one of them !!
I'm sure.
Just a whiny loser who will drag the country down while the rest of the world laughs at him.
FUN FACT: In 2012, the EU was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
In 2020 the UK became the only member state to leave the EU after a 'Brexit' campaign started by Putin to weaken it.
Ten additional countries are currently negotiating to join it.
As in the place where they were protesting and saying horrible things against Jews while carrying torches!
The “fine people on both sides Charlottesville”?!
Now it all makes sense!
Rule of law is impotent. We must make them care - very soon.
March on evangelical churches (eg, SBC) who tied Salvation to support for Trumpism in pursuit of Christian White Nationalism, until they condemn Trump’s insanity.
Before mass disruption sets in. And it will.
Boi dats nasty ?
Donald Trump’s winery aka “Trump Winery” of Albemarle, Virginia will have a wake-up call when the demand for his product shrivels up.
He can’t make money if he can’t sell it!
He started this trade war-
Not just with Canada, but the world will respond!
No ego found in the naming conventions of anything they own.
90% of the time it tends to be owned by some maga affiliated asshat.
Even talking about it feels satirical.
This administration does love their “investigations”.
The clue is in the name.
Even the rest of France have to call wine made exactly the same as ‘crèment’
America did not become the largest economy in world by being taken advantage of.
Trump is a fucking idiot.
But do not bully us .