Glad he has so much time for a book tour. Perhaps he should just resign from the senate so he can focus more on that. Why are we paying him to fuck over the country AND go on a book tour?
I'm going to guess that he'll have a lot of people at his book protest the shit out of him! I've posted his schedule for it and am rallying those in the cities of the tour. All hands on deck!
Yeah well let's see if he actually goes on that book tour Monday because this backlash is not going away over the weekend or over the week or over the month or over the year. We are very f****** pissed off at Chuck the Cuck Schmuck Schumer
That’s not the point. It’s the old school kickback scheme.
Get ready for the new and improved one! The meme coin or its variant. This will allow your politicians to get untraceable funds from anywhere and anyone! And you’ll never know who owns your politician.
No taxes on crypto , no taxes on tips. They really want less taxes on the wealthy ( themselves ) or no taxes on the wealthy and more on everyone else .
Cause the Jews run the world? I don’t subscribe to that nor do I think that narrative would hold up.
My belief is it’s probably something closer to home for him. Or maybe just money. Is Durbin and Gillibrand in the pocket of AIPAC too? And AIPACs concern is a CR?!?
The irony of that is MAGAs support Israel in every measure but also hate Jews. Make sense of that . It kind of does make sense when you think Donald Trump has become the party leader .
The alliance between Jews and white American evangelicals is the most cynical I've ever heard of. They all know that they're dishonest but they're using each other.
This is where religion and strategic alliances meet. Do those same voters care about Muslims? Not really. So all you have to do is fear monger one as being worse than the other!
You don't believe AIPAC is the biggest contributor to a lot of these rat bastards in congress? They are. Don't you dare try to browbeat me into charges of anti-Semitism or conspiracism. Read more
holy hell schumer has to this point I think even he knows there are not going to be elections in the future so he isn't worried about it. Now it's just about stashing more money. And he is listening to his big donors none of which wanted the govt shut down.
I think it's more likely a coalition appears that takes over the est Dem party. (Like the Tea Party, MAGA has the Rep party) So, getting these awful leaders out may be a start.
I think you’re right, but I wish you weren’t. IMO, only having 2 parties is a primary problem we have. Even pre-Dump, the government was almost paralyzed by the need to best the other party. I think a left, left-center, right-center and right party could work.
Yes, I agree these big tent parties don't allow for our govt and our population to be infused with different ideas on how to govern or accomplish something. I just don't believe that will be solved in the next 5 years. I hope some dems rally for a coalition to breakaway from all the wall st dems
He needs to resign. I have always respected him, but no more. Selling out on the budget vote when we needed to make a stand against Hitler reincarnated was the last straw. Time for a new leader
I do not believe him a hypocrite. He voted to move bill along then voted NO on actual bill. He is 💯correct. Closing government. Furloughing federal judges! Giving Trump opp to advance plans unchecked! is Very VERY DANGEROUS! He is smart. This was a very calculated move on behalf of democracy
Shitler's done most of this unchecked already and he has no intention of stopping. He is totally unchecked. You are in a very small minority if you think this was the right thing to do. Schumer is old school, lazy and all he cares about is going dancing, partying and collecting his lobby money.
So closing government would allow Shitler to move even faster. We see the damage & I personally have lost ALOT. A small but smart minority. Maybe. Idk. More & more while convo is 💯needed, & I am learning, I’m 💯aware we face civil war & wwIII in short order. Your bright idea instead?
💯 This only delays the inevitable. The train is going off the tracks. We can do this the slow way, but helping it crash gets us to recovery sooner than later. Some people haven’t figured that part out yet. They’re scared, and rightfully so, but it won’t change the outcome headed our way.
No. The rules of engagement are different now. It’s time to put our elbow’s up, as our Canadian friends say. The stakes are far too high not to understand that only one side is playing by the rules. When Trump says what you’re doing is smart and brave, it probably isn’t.
I used to post the same thing, until I heard enough of the opposite opinions. If the government shut down, it would be Rep's fault not Dem's. Must oppose EVERY bad thing Trump's administration does. Included that CR. Stand up to bully is the only way. Voting in that CR is signal Dems agree with it.
And here I thought it was his thin skin not being able to handle being called a Palestinian so he caved. Primary all 10. This is the 2nd time we've been screwed by Gillibrand. Remember what she did to Senator Al Franken? I've never forgiven her for that. He was a great Senator with a great future.
What is happening in NY? Not only these two but corrupt Eric Adams and all the House Republicans that they've elected in the last few years. And lets not forget that freak George Santos.
I'm a New Yorker, it baffles me. There are so many diverse groups who are only interested in their own self interests. New Yorkers need to get focused on what's good for NY: infrastructure, affordable housing, healthcare, improving education, support for working families, income equality, taxes.
A theme of corruption & grift. The DNC has failed to enjoin H&S efforts till 24’ leaving 🔴 region candidates weak & ill equip. They take for granted NYS majority 💙 historically nominally funding quickflip/ unvetted candidate races as rural languish w/ district 🛒 like Tenney. Trump nurtured politics
Well that's unnecessary. He's just a Democrat. They are *all* like this until proven otherwise. This is the party, and this is what the party does. They exist to tell you to calm down, then politely opens the door for your rapist.
Tired of the hypocrisy from other dems. All the folks singing Nancy Pelosi’s praises are the same ones saying she was too old and incompetent as speaker, insisting she step down. They’re the same ones insisting Al Franken step down.
She absolutely should step down. Or at very least she should divest from the stock market NOW. The widely known INSIDER-esque shenanigans are OBSCENE and she should be SHAMED for engaging in such opportunism while failing to solve the many problems she's been well aware of for decades.
I wonder if there's somewhere for "reviews" of this book that was so important, he sold out his constituents AGAIN for a tour...I wish he were coming near me.
Just be sure to be peaceful and follow the rules, he doesn't hesitate to call the popo on his own constituents because he's a cowardly, traitorous, spineless, well, you know! 😉
All jokes aside. If this is the real reason he voted for the CR then he is no longer functioning as a politician and should be treated accordingly. Not that there’s any way to know.
Of course if you're in the neighborhood you could go remind him he spat in the face of his constituents with his vote to pass the continuing resolution bill on 03-14-25.
Also tell him he needs to resign as Minority Leader in the Senate. WE don't want traitors leading the party in any manner.
I called him. offered my support! It’s shit sitch fs. He voted to move bill along then voted NO on actual bill. He is 💯correct. Close government. Furloug federal judges! Give Trump opp to advance plans unchecked! Very VERY DANGEROUS! He’s smart. This was very calculated move on behalf of democracy
He voted yes on cloture which stopped the filibuster, so only 51 votes were needed to pass the legislation. It didn’t matter then if he voted no. The Republicans had 52 of their own votes even without Rand Paul. So he could say he voted no, but he facilitated the yes vote.
Trump is bulldozing ahead with his agenda unchecked right now, regardless. Furloughing his handpicked judges? Now that’s an idea worth considering. Chuck made a mistake voting with Trump. Democracy is poorer because he just doesn’t understand the elbows-up existential fight we’re in. #stopfascism
This whole hyperbolic, misused, duplicitous, antisemitism thing has lost it's true meaning. It's now a catch phrase & dog whistle.
The more the US supports a genocidal Israel government, the more anti-American anti-Israel fury will be fomented across the globe. Reap what you sow dumbasses.
You can look at this two ways:
1) fight fire with fire or
2) shut down and do DOGE’s work. (No federal workers)
Can you imagine who they would blame if no one got their ss checks? is as dirty and spineless as the rest of the patriarchy. Good luck selling your book sir, no one is buying the shit you’re selling traitor!
I called him &offered my support! It’s a shit sitch fs. He voted to move bill along then voted NO on actual bill. He is 💯correct. Close government. Furloug federal judges! Give Trump opp to advance plans unchecked! Very VERY DANGEROUS! He’s smart. This was very calculated move on behalf of democracy
I called him &offered my support! It’s a shit sitch fs. He voted to move bill along then voted NO on actual bill. He is 💯correct. Close government. Furloug federal judges! Give Trump opp to advance plans unchecked! Very VERY DANGEROUS! He’s smart. This was very calculated move on behalf of democracy
Israel lobbies funding Chuck also appear to agree with him... so it seems Zionism has taken over, this is dangerous time if it starts to get unhinged. Jews around the world should condemn all of this.
Chuck Schumer doesn't have dick to say to me about antisemitism when he just literally ceded congressional power to the American equivalent of the Nazi Party. He is a Kapo. This is unforgivable. And on PURIM, no less. He could have been a Mordecai but chose to side with Haman.
Your sentiment is understandable. And normally I'd agree.
But he has already proven that he is not listening.
And nobody will listen to him after the bait & switch he pulled.
This is not only amoral (which tbh. is kinda expected), it is politically stupid (which I certainly did not expect).
Don’t fucking go! Piss on him and his self-serving book! Besides, he had a chance to say and do something that mattered, and he wimped out like a scared old man! So there’s nothing in that book worth reading!
The optics of this. Oof. More reason why he should step down. If he was going to stab all the other Democrats in the back, he could’ve at least canceled the start of the book tour.
If you are a Southern California person upset about ‘s craven betrayal of our country, the theatre his book tour will be at on 3/23 is the Moss Theatre.
Will all self respecting Democrats and Independents please skip this guy's book tour events.
If they can't find the time to help Americans, we shouldn't find the time for their book tours or spend the money for a book.
So...America 2nd then, Chuck? We know there are Mossad agents in some of the large legacy media outlets as has been reported but maybe the Senate has a few spies as well 🤔
Who really cares about his book on anti-semitism in America anyway........or about him now... I hope the gathering brings him the angst he so rightly deserves.
Boycott the Book! One has to wonder if this is where the bribe is being applied? An offer to get him to the best seller list? Because after this stunt, his former supporters better NOT buy his book! Who will if they don't? 🧐🤔
Ousting him is going to take a lot more than yesterday’s debacle. His caucus of Senate Dems is way too comfortable with the status quo. Not nearly enough opposition surfaced since yesterday.
Opposition to facsism in US has no leader. We have no unified front. We aren't getting on same page. Money $$ talks to these leaders. Someone is getting to 10 that voted with R, and that should be us with $ if thats what it takes. Forgo ethics in times like these.
I'm not kidding about the games. Why waste time reading and staying updated if Democrats going to fuck over one another? What's the point???? Do we have to buy $$ our own Dems support???? Then let's do that. Otherwise this is pointless, unless we're trying to point out how easily defeated we are.
One thing says "you are dead to me, Chuck" better than an empty room on a book tour, an empty room inside the bookstore and a crowd outside protesting the book signing. #ItCanAlwaysGetWorse
Except there are still plenty of people with money who will go. Schumer is unpopular on Bluesky but Schumer is still the Dem leader and a powerful politician who people will pay to have access to. An empty room would be great but its not going to happen.
Powerful politician. So "his" democrats wanted government to not shut down. While the majority of democrat leaders voted for government to shut down. This is the disconnect. If we can't agree to stand together it's pointless. A waste of time. I could be playing video games like musk.
Exactly! His event here in Philly is at a Jewish Center, so any protests will be painted as anti-semitic. He is going to be able to hide behind religion.
No rule against that, right?
There we go …..
Will be fun to watch him get chased out.
Get ready for the new and improved one! The meme coin or its variant. This will allow your politicians to get untraceable funds from anywhere and anyone! And you’ll never know who owns your politician.
And what do you make of this?
My belief is it’s probably something closer to home for him. Or maybe just money. Is Durbin and Gillibrand in the pocket of AIPAC too? And AIPACs concern is a CR?!?
Sounds like conspiracy stuff.
This is where religion and strategic alliances meet. Do those same voters care about Muslims? Not really. So all you have to do is fear monger one as being worse than the other!
The politics of division simplifies choice!
Regardless of the timing of the funding vote, generally speaking, is this a time for a political leader to go on a book tour?!?!
Not buying your books!!!
He did what HE thought best and not the people’s choice.
We are not children. We are US citizens and personally, I don’t believe he listened to the people.
Ummm…hell NO!
Out of touch!
What's next, will he discover fresh water in the Great Lakes?
Also tell him he needs to resign as Minority Leader in the Senate. WE don't want traitors leading the party in any manner.
Commence the book burning !!
I hope he receives lots of fanmail asking for autographs on resignation letters explaining exactly what he has done.
The more the US supports a genocidal Israel government, the more anti-American anti-Israel fury will be fomented across the globe. Reap what you sow dumbasses.
1) fight fire with fire or
2) shut down and do DOGE’s work. (No federal workers)
Can you imagine who they would blame if no one got their ss checks?
- Fetterman
- Moscowitz
- Schumer
What is this all about? Israel lobbies rooting for Fascism?
Nah, it cant be, right?
But he has already proven that he is not listening.
And nobody will listen to him after the bait & switch he pulled.
This is not only amoral (which tbh. is kinda expected), it is politically stupid (which I certainly did not expect).
Their phone number is 310-828-5582
Eh? I could use the cash.
If they can't find the time to help Americans, we shouldn't find the time for their book tours or spend the money for a book.
Maybe I will wait for the movie.🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sorry, Chuck I can’t think of a reason I’d want to listen to you after such a treasonous act.
Fade off into the distant quietly now. You certainly didn’t put up a fight to be remembered for.
I hope he’s agile. He might have to spend a good few evenings dodging flying tomes.
$250k - $1m for a top 10 best seller.
Don't think I could sell my soul that cheap, but hey...
Oust him and move on!
Put energy towards supporting the people doing GOOD.
No one wants his shitty book anyway. His speeches are boring enough, why read them?
Opposition to facsism in US has no leader. We have no unified front. We aren't getting on same page. Money $$ talks to these leaders. Someone is getting to 10 that voted with R, and that should be us with $ if thats what it takes. Forgo ethics in times like these.
How quickly ??
Schumer doesn’t have the deep pockets like some - he will not resign
Let's make it so!