On Jan 6, on federal property
Maybe if enough of us band together and hit cops we’ll get the same pardon because you know fuck it. There’s too many of them to go through one by one.
Put all that mindless meaningless drivel in book . To see all of trumps lapdog’s X/tweets etc in one place would be not just hysterical but would also be a good one stop to remind ppl of how stupid this lying administration is!
ice should be treated like the Gestapo, run hide, defend your self. don't get in the van you may end up in el Salvador prison.
bet trump made a deal and paid El Salv president to take people trumped wanted gone no matter who they are. disappeared. hope trump drops dead to day he does not look good
Speaking as a former cop, there are some cops that need hitting! While most cops come to the job to help, some come for other reasons. Cops don’t come from some far off cop planet, they come from society, so what you see in society has its representation on any given police force! Good and bad!
On the other hand, bear spray a cop, try to asphyxiate him wedged in a door or pummel him with a Trump flag and you will be pardoned and feted as a patriot. Fuck you Ed Martin.
I bet he wouldn’t dare say that to the face of those who lost loved ones on J6, basically murdered by Trump fans who were then pardoned by the felon 🙄😒
Wait, is he asking for a fee to hit a cop? Trump said, " Death penalty for anyone who kills a police officer." Trump and MAGA have zero problems with people beating up cops. So, let me ask again. Is Ed Martin put in charge by Trump to charge people to " hit a cop" to pit money in Trump's pocket?
Malignant narcissists ruin everything they touch and rely on more gullible people to continue. Otherwise, they’ll happily burn it all to the ground, which is what Trump tried on J6. He should be rotting in prison.
Dempsey carried out a “prolonged attack” on law enforcement using his hands, flagpoles, broken furniture, pepper spray and “anything else he could get his hands on.”
>600 people were charged with assaulting, resisting or impeding police, nearly 200 did so using a deadly or dangerous weapon.
Donald Trump is starting off exactly the same way Adolf Hitler did. Let's just hope it ends the same way. With a group of hero nations banding together to stop a fascist dictator and a bunker scene.
Already starting - only the battlefield is money. Those hero nations are going to bankrupt us in the process, which is preferable to bombing cities to rubble, but be prepared for the fallout.
Ain't happening. No hero nations. The next time "hero nations" get involved, it'll be more nukes.
We must be the heroes. I wonder if a million or two people would be enough to blockade the WH until he does the right thing and...
I'm deleting my previous posts. I didn't need to comment. It pressed a small nerve, but there's no sense in snipping at each other with so much more serious hate and harm happening all around us. I apologize. 💙😔
Ed Martin should know this!
In the event of unlawful arrest or detainment you have the right to defend yourself with applicable Force. Death of cop equals manslaughter, not murder. They don't know the law they can't enforce the law.
It's hilarious they think everyone is in thier cult.Cult.. Pretty sure the Cops saw Jan 6, saw the Pardons, they know. They gonna learn when they attack Americans which side the Blue is on
Just a thought... You win over the people of Texas, you beat Trump. I don't say this to sound like no other state matters, because they do. I say this because Texas holds one of the biggest armories in the land along with California.
what about if a cop hits and/or kills you for no reason other than they think they can do whatever the fuck they want?
will they pay for it?
will you pay the families for what they've done?
way more cops assault people than people assault cops.
and i say people vs cops bc people have consequences
I heard talk they want Derek Chauvin pardoned!! That would be so wrong on so many levels!! It would green light all those “baba cops” into taking vigilante justice on those who don’t look like them … white men with small dicks! Every one else will get the knee!!
And so many law-enforcement officers around the country who want to support our country as a rules based in law based entity, are shoved to the sidelines by maga
Retired 30+ year LE here. If the cops break the law or follow illegal orders, they're fair game. No different than gang members. Uphold your oath and don't use your badge to make up your own laws to bully people based on your personal feelings and you'd be ok.
How about if you bash them in the head with a flag pole while you’re standing inside of the Building or on the steps outside of the capital of building while wearing a mega flag as a cape? Asking for a friend
Already lost it if they tolerate fascists like Ed Martin. Work for a fascist and you're a fascist. I don't want to hear bullshit excuses about "change from the inside" or bills to pay. That's what every mob member says too, when they find they've gotten in over their heads. You're with us or agin us
Where were you on Jan 6th Ed?
Maybe if enough of us band together and hit cops we’ll get the same pardon because you know fuck it. There’s too many of them to go through one by one.
I have plenty of names for you!
Bear spray;
Flag pole;
Hockey stick;
and the President of the United States will pardon you.
Where is the equity, O Lord?
Insurrectionists who murdered and beat up police.
bet trump made a deal and paid El Salv president to take people trumped wanted gone no matter who they are. disappeared. hope trump drops dead to day he does not look good
This is not the foundation we need.
"Stop hitting yourself."
BTW, what's a Trump pardon going for these days???
>600 people were charged with assaulting, resisting or impeding police, nearly 200 did so using a deadly or dangerous weapon.
TDS = Trump Dupes Stooges
TDS = Trump Deceives Simpletons
The Neanderthalesque mouthbreathing, knuckledragging, redhatwearing like Marjorie are the only ones afflicted by...The is NO KKKure!
We must be the heroes. I wonder if a million or two people would be enough to blockade the WH until he does the right thing and...
Trump Pardoned.
Plummer v State
Ed Martin should know this!
In the event of unlawful arrest or detainment you have the right to defend yourself with applicable Force. Death of cop equals manslaughter, not murder. They don't know the law they can't enforce the law.
Ed will pay when I kick his ass.
will they pay for it?
will you pay the families for what they've done?
way more cops assault people than people assault cops.
and i say people vs cops bc people have consequences
Ask the RCMP how
they like black eyes.
Metaphorically and
So...slap this muthafucker and roll on