Some of the antisemitic conspiracy theories and associations the Pentagon’s new deputy press secretary, Kingsley Wilson, has amplified online:
🔎 Long-debunked lies about Leo Frank
🔎 Great Replacement theory
🔎 Celebrating Christian nationalism
🔎 Praising Germany's far-right AfD party
🔎 Long-debunked lies about Leo Frank
🔎 Great Replacement theory
🔎 Celebrating Christian nationalism
🔎 Praising Germany's far-right AfD party
It's the ones who are apathetic to it all that I pity. 😞
Barf 🤢
Trump just promised to give Israel everything they need to wipe the Palestinians off the face of the planet. But somehow many of Trump's people hate Jews.
Also, the Trump admin isn't pro-Isreal per se...but they are pro-Israeli strongman Bibi.
1) There is a deeply-antisemitic but pro Israel Evangelical belief that Jews have to be in charge of Jerusalem for the rapture to occur (antisemitic because the Rapture leaves Jews behind for eternal Hell on earth or something.)
They aren't really allies.
They want to hasten the Rapture by supporting Israel in a huge fight.
Til Kingdom Come
See Ukrainian-Israeli former Knesset member Ksenia Svetlova on the alliance between the Israeli Likud/right and European antisemitic xenophobic fascists.
• Prophecy to start Armageddon
• Gets Jews out of the country (by relocating to Israel)
• Jews are killing Arabs/Muslims (Palestinians), and they hate Arabs and Muslims even more than Jews
This is textbook Active Measures
Her paychecks are definitely written in Cyrillic.