Remember when we read Someone say that chamberlain's deal with Hitler about the Sudetenland was at ALL an apt compression to Trump's capitulation to Russia about Ukraine and then we auto- posted it without researching ANY context about either event in their places in world history?
Traitors are everywhere. Traitors need to be called as such. I was born there. I lived through that. An illegal occupation ,subsequent heavy ALLIED bombing,death & destruction. I am with UKRAINE! and every place that has bee occupied,destroyed, left in shambles!! GHAZA & UKRAINE ! I AM WITH YOU!!
Yes, and my Polish DNA has been twitchy since 2014. 1930s Czechs got promises of protection, then got sold out, paving the way for invading Poland and WWII. Sadly, fearing WWIII, support for Ukraine has been too tepid to properly shut down Putin's expansionism. Just draw it out, and now we're here.
chamberlain wasn't naïve about hitler, just didn't think britain was in a position to fight him. the first two years of the war proved him right. of course, maybe the sizable czech army that was pretty much dissolved would have made a difference... who can say
Chamberlain thought he could prevent war.
The Czechs had stopped the Germans at their defensive line, which also had their armaments factories. He gave both to the Germans, leaving Europe open.
He sold them out.
However, he had championed fighter production in the 30s, so some credit.
Shortly after that, Hitler & Stalin split up Poland as per their secret Non-Aggression Pact, upon which Hitler quickly reneged. History repeating itself as we speak
Yes , he gave away a country that wasn’t his to give . He became the hideous joke of
WW ll . Only to be replaced as the MOST HIDEOUS mistake in diplomacy , today by the 2 idiot Russian plants that are selling our country to the Russians
No, most don’t remember. They don’t remember all the lies Trump has told, all the crimes he committed, they don’t remember what they ate for breakfast. Some don’t know the history at all so they have nothing to remember. Most don’t understand the ramifications of what is happening. It’s very scary.
This is a reductive and ahistorical take on Chamberlain. He’s vilified in hindsight and is easy to knock via a modern lens, but what you’re disregarding is that the world then had collective PTSD from the deadliest and largest war in human history and no one had the appetite for picking fights.
I don't even give credit for that. I give it more the "someone else said it on here, I THINK I've heard of Chamberlain, so 1+1 must equal 2. At least most of Wikipedia IS sourced.
It's not appeasement, it's collaboration. Trump is working for Putin, as is a significant part of the Congressional GOP. Those that aren't, are terrified of ending up in Patel's Lubianka.
Ha. I remember hearing about that years ago.
My fav weird and funny story is the homeless and destitute guy who was generally accepted as the Emperor of San Francisco for a while in the 1800s. Have to re-familiarize myself with that one as well, but it was pretty funny.
I stand with the free world. Our country is now a traitor to our country’s values. The US president lies about everything. Is it not time for the second civil war?
Neville Chamberlain is remembered in history for misplaced appeasement.
Donald Trump will be remembered more like Hitler.
Only question now:
will the American people be as intelligent as the Germans were after 1945 in recognising their errors & changing their future ?
this though is just myopic greed
The Czechs had stopped the Germans at their defensive line, which also had their armaments factories. He gave both to the Germans, leaving Europe open.
He sold them out.
However, he had championed fighter production in the 30s, so some credit.
Also, I just don’t trust people who lie. Repeatedly.
WW ll . Only to be replaced as the MOST HIDEOUS mistake in diplomacy , today by the 2 idiot Russian plants that are selling our country to the Russians
is that he didn’t name “American” as the official language of the United States…
and claim that he invented it.
My fav weird and funny story is the homeless and destitute guy who was generally accepted as the Emperor of San Francisco for a while in the 1800s. Have to re-familiarize myself with that one as well, but it was pretty funny.
Donald Trump will be remembered more like Hitler.
Only question now:
will the American people be as intelligent as the Germans were after 1945 in recognising their errors & changing their future ?
Like Patton