I'm interested in software for an interactive game theory class.
Is there a good software / web package that lets students play basic game-theoretic games (hawk-dove, PD, market entry games, etc) against one another on their phones, records the results, and presents summary statistics?
Is there a good software / web package that lets students play basic game-theoretic games (hawk-dove, PD, market entry games, etc) against one another on their phones, records the results, and presents summary statistics?
His comment, “That’s the most straightforward one for classroom use. Another choice with more features, aging interface, better for a comp lab is Veconlab” (which was already mentioned).
+ have students choose partners or assign anonymous partners,
+ play single-shot or repeated rounds with the same partner,
+ change parameters, play again, and illustrate comparative statics.
Not sure how well it works but looks good from small scale testing.
I guess ClassEx has done a beautiful job of implementing Bergstrom and Miller, but he didn't realize that they also had what you need for a game theory course.
Did you write your own modules for your course? Any examples we could look at?
Of course I also use Bergstrom & Miller in my Intro to Econ class 😉