One of the greatest regrets dying people have is that they wished they'd been truer to themselves rather than living the lives people/society asked of them.
I think about that a whole lot, especially in this current situation.
It's not fame or money or work. It's self-acceptance.
I think about that a whole lot, especially in this current situation.
It's not fame or money or work. It's self-acceptance.
We can only know ourselves, truly, and to deny ourselves that is a terrible, lonely thing.
It's my turn, now.
Why didn't Lyme kill me at 11? Might be useful info there. Plus friends' sagas.
But I did want Other Hobbies, not just self repair. And to travel without a respirator. To write again.
At the very least, through years of literal homelessness, I always knew I had a heart & soul I was true to. That's meaningless to the Elons of the world but not to me
I'll take that
I like the topic Natania. True to one's self. Of course one must know thy self in order to be true to one's self. Lovely name, Natania!