I'm very much afraid that the first of the really big explosions is about to drop in Higher Education: at Cardiff University, where management speak of an 'immediate existential crisis'. And this is just the start. Solidarity with and to all colleagues at Cardiff. https://nation.cymru/news/huge-job-cuts-announcement-imminent-at-cardiff-university/
If it were any other product, they could send it back and get a refund.
And zero hour contracts for academic staff was unconscionable.
But that doesn't support 6-figure Professorial salaries, £350k VCs or academic mobility. So won't happen.
The immigration mess is just highlighting how precarious the situation was.
"Staff in departments across the university have received invitations to meetings to discuss 'academic futures'. One email said: 'I appreciate that a meeting of this kind will cause anxiety.'
"Sending emails out inviting people to meetings seemingly without any pre-warning is going to cause such anxiety."