i’m sorry, did you just say people were stupid for falling for kids in litter boxes… and immediately follow that by saying this is progressive people’s fault and use the thing you just said only stupid people would fall for as your reason?
how many in are you, bud?
how many in are you, bud?
and no, that didn’t happen.
and yet.
it’s been endlessly repeated by the right (and easy marks, like you!) and hasn’t been found true even once yet. it’s a right wing lie for the uncritical rubes, and you ate it right up.
it’s a play on “your friendly neighborhood spider-man”. because i’m trans. and people on my profile are meeting me in cyberspace. cybertrans. spider-man. it rhymes. clever people get it.
anyhow i said “good night” and you missed the hint, so mute it is 👋
I look forward to your response of whether people can be cats or not.
"Good Night" (even if you really meant to say "Goodnight")
let’s settle the first thing before starting on a second.
there isn’t. because it didn’t. you’re either badly lying or aggressively gullible. good night.