Ok but can I ride the centrifuge before we use it on them, like on a low setting? I think it would be fun, and then I can be like "psh don't be such a baby I rode that thing yesterday and I'm fine" and BOOM now they're being separated in to component parts by density 😎
the "dissenting POV" in question denies trans existence. Its just bigotry, plain and simple. If they want to debate then they can get a real problem to discuss. Fuck 'em.
It doesn’t matter what it is. We should not close off this new medium to anyone. We can drown out that which we know is wrong or incorrect with our conviction of knowledge and truths. We can’t be afraid to fight dirty if we need to.
My approach to this is what I’ve just noted. I don’t control this beautiful new child and I’m here to see it growth and enlightenment engulf all within its cluster.
I’m not down with telling people who they should and shouldn’t invite or dialogue with. While I have no use for phobia towards anyone, I also have no use for pushing my boundaries on others. There is block and mute.