This was how my chauvinist father ran our house. Mom got an allowance to feed and clothe the family (6 kids). I remember that my father noticed that my mother was wearing nylons with a run in them to church. He was outraged. She cried because she couldn’t afford a new pair out of her allowance.
My mother never knew how much my dad earned and retirement was liberation with a known pension and bank account. The “great” old days conservatives long for. We need to continue to progress not regress.
My mother, WHO WAS THE HOUSEHOLD BREADWINNER, was constantly berated for “how much she spent” (everything a house & 2 small kids require). HER MONEY, mind you. Groceries were a big one… so, she announced my step was to go grocery shopping with her
This is the world conservatives want to bring back.
Especially disabled women
Women and men on SSI (not SSD, learn the differences before replying) can't marry without losing everything
Yet disability pays so little, virtually nothing left after rent
Landlords are the problem and will always be the problem
He never bitched again ☺️. The end