This is absolutely catastrophic and an enormous betrayal.
Undocumented folks have been promised that this info-sharing b/w IRS and DHS wouldn’t occur so that they would pay taxes to a state that offers them nothing in return.
Now they will be rewarded with deportation.
Undocumented folks have been promised that this info-sharing b/w IRS and DHS wouldn’t occur so that they would pay taxes to a state that offers them nothing in return.
Now they will be rewarded with deportation.
Should be treated accordingly.
The Native Americans
The US in particular is going to have one hard lesson on this.
If you can, get out. Last time these things happened in NL they led to worse.
Undocumented immigrants pay $Billions/yr, but they cannot get access to the benefits, nor can they get tax refunds.
Latinos for trump
Pro Hamas Arab Americans for trump
Are still proud of supporting Trump…?
On their way to El Salvador
A known criminal and traitor controls the IRS and the DHS.