So many things. So hard to get right…
Times of the school day
Timetable and rooming
Lesson transitions
School calendar
Canteen queues
Processes for logging and following up lates, detentions, withdrawals etc
Organisation and communication of special events, parents eves etc
Computer logins!
I could go on…
Requesting absences
Working tech
Facilites, fixing things, removing graffiti …
I used to think school leadership was either teaching & learning or pastoral, but I learnt the huge role operations has to play. If it works things feel doable, if it doesn’t, stresses build up.
Not the original poster but for number 1 I think of things like no timetabling issues, having plenty of notice for things like drop down days - which are well planned and run smoothly. Adequate support staff to help handle things like cover and reprographics.
Times of the school day
Timetable and rooming
Lesson transitions
School calendar
Canteen queues
Processes for logging and following up lates, detentions, withdrawals etc
Organisation and communication of special events, parents eves etc
Computer logins!
Requesting absences
Working tech
Facilites, fixing things, removing graffiti …
I used to think school leadership was either teaching & learning or pastoral, but I learnt the huge role operations has to play. If it works things feel doable, if it doesn’t, stresses build up.