This is a great thread and please do what you can. In Illinois, you can create a medical power of attorney form extremely easily with just one witness. Even if you can't do much else, this at least keeps the people you trust in charge of your medical care.
Reposted from
Jack Phoenix (a comics librarian)
Please share this, because this could help some folks with worry.
For LGBT married couples, it's time to take steps to protect your marriage in case same-sex marriage is officially dissolved in the coming years. My husband and I did this when Roe V Wade was overturned, so I hope this is helpful. 👇
For LGBT married couples, it's time to take steps to protect your marriage in case same-sex marriage is officially dissolved in the coming years. My husband and I did this when Roe V Wade was overturned, so I hope this is helpful. 👇
Legal spouse
Adult children
Adult siblings
Adult grandchildren
Then they start looking for more extended family members.
Look at 475 Rsmo and the DPOA laws in 404.700 et seq and know what you want
HCPOA replaces guardian and DPOA replaces conservator
Can be the same person for both, of course
I have a half hour spiel about estate planning, but this is the shorty
1 is making a bugout bag, making sure I have 3 months of scrips, etc
2 is helping out people around me, like the gay POAs or food banking or whatever
3 is up in the air