Invest in a gas mask/ski goggles
Invest in bail funds
Invest in those slippy arm sleeves that help a boy zoidberg away from cops
Invest in a handheld 2-way radio
Invest in the fight to come
Give it to ORGANIZERS I’m gonna go even further. Find your local free store or food not bombs or whatever the fuck and give those ppl money. Love to the people who need it but we need to be outside rn.
this goes double for any hashtagResist grifter trying to churn out $30 t-shirts with an AI generated pink fist celebrating those dipshits for their *deeply serious protest*
nora: the SUN baby bank give families free food parcels on a regular basis as a replacement for benefits cut by the national government. this is a communist-run project to help struggling people & build community, so if y'all want somewhere useful to put your money:
Invest in bail funds
Invest in those slippy arm sleeves that help a boy zoidberg away from cops
Invest in a handheld 2-way radio
Invest in the fight to come
fuck 'em up.
(not Republican, that'll encourage their dipshit Overton slide)
they can watch their numbers dry up while not getting donations and you get the added benefit 9f not being on Dem lists when the GOP goes combing thru