Hogfather is definitely great. His non-Discworld stuff didn't float my boat. I think his best stuff stretches from Small Gods up to the point The Embuggerance made itself felt. I don't much like Snuff, and I didn't think Unseen Academicals was up to the standard of previous works
I'm not a fan. I couldn't get into Discworld and the only books I've read are The Unadulterated Cat (with Gray Joliffe) and Good Omens (with, er...)
My partner Sonya Wilde loves Terry Pratchett and has all the books, and I enjoy Discworld through their description of what made them laugh out loud.
Oh, how I wish I could. My ability to read has been reduced due my mental illness status in the last decade. Haven't been able to read a book in years. Went to audiobooks but even they have become a struggle. Short news articles is about as deep as I can go these days. Can't even do a crossword.
Still one of my favourite authors. Loved how he wrote "Steam" and how half the readers missed the biggest joke. Also how the final Tiffany Aching book was a goodbye to his fans
The way he dealt with his diagnoses was quite awesome, as in it made me feel awe.
My partner Sonya Wilde loves Terry Pratchett and has all the books, and I enjoy Discworld through their description of what made them laugh out loud.