This seems like one of those situations where the CIA needs to operate like they did in the 60's. If US citizens can be targeted why not foreign born persons threatening our government.
Nazi-loving Elon Musk was NOT elected to anything and has ties to Putin and other America-hating dictators. Good job, America ... you elected an evil, selfish grifter idiot who sold your country to your enemies ... so he can line his pockets.
Ousting the Treas guy who controls payments so Musk’s minions can manipulate spending should scare bond markets — the Trump regime is willing to default if it pleases Elon.
You just have to click the tiny ‘Not now’ link when it asks you to create an account, then you get the article. Thanks for the share!
#ElonMuskisaNazi #TrumpIsAFascist #StopTheInsanity
We simply can't pay enough to play... when Billionaires can purchase candidates lock, stock and barrel.
It’s a fucking attack. The man is a known anarchist.