Maybe it sets the mood?? 🤷🤷 I dunno, man, some of them old books be adding shit just to add shit 🤣 (my favorite book is absolutely The Count of Monte Cristo, so I have no gripes there lol)
Absolutely unhinged, and tbh I love them for it 🤣 like what was the point of mentioning Edmond Dantes was rumored to be a vampire? He wasn't and it went nowhere, but it was so juicy to read about!!
Those are some fine staches well drawn. I must have missed the discourse on this one. Are there complaints about the design in the new "Nosferatu"? I loved it and took it to be both canon and an affectionate nod to Mignola-style. Did I do wrong, according to whatever discourse? Asking for a friend.
Haha, thank you! I don’t know if it is “discourse”, per se. But it is the most common comment I’ve seen on the movie. “It’s cool but idk why they made him look like Tom Selleck” or “the mustache was distracting” 😔
That's such a crazy comment. Like if someone said, 'last night this madman jumped me in an alleyway and we fought for, like, I dunno, 20 minutes, just blood everywhere and smashed glass and rats. And dark. But here's the thing. Dude had a moustache. Like, he was growing hair. Under. His. Nose.
It took me a while to adjust to Stache-feratu but I have no idea why people are making such a big deal over it. It's *fine*. 😮💨
My personal issue with it is that I found it hard to look at without getting "The Master from MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE" vibes, and that just made it funny. 😆
STOP you’re so right. 😂 Well, honestly The Master would be a great canon Dracula and I’d pay top dollar to see Torgo as Renfield. Torgo as any role, tbh.
Fun fact: I've actually written a screenplay for a serious remake of MANOS that I'm hoping to get produced someday, and it has a scene in it that is a direct reference to one from THE LIGHTHOUSE, a different Robert Eggers film. 😅
Thanks! I've already shown the script to others and gotten a lot of positive feedback (and helpful suggestions). Here's hoping I can get it made someday! 😄👍
Right now I'm modelling some locations in 3D so I can hopefully try and make some storyboards. 😁
it came off as silly to me because it seemed SO groomed — OP’s art direction makes more sense to me, like dude was fallin apart, stache should be scraggly, no? dude’s hair on his head looked about to FALL OFF, but full luscious stache? idk idk
Great design!
Your sketches are amazing! An awesome representation
Really big fan of this Nosferatu x3
My personal issue with it is that I found it hard to look at without getting "The Master from MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE" vibes, and that just made it funny. 😆
Fun fact: I've actually written a screenplay for a serious remake of MANOS that I'm hoping to get produced someday, and it has a scene in it that is a direct reference to one from THE LIGHTHOUSE, a different Robert Eggers film. 😅
I love movies. 😊
Right now I'm modelling some locations in 3D so I can hopefully try and make some storyboards. 😁
Blew my mind
But he is the manager now so he is climbing the ladder