Western influenced Anime is wild and I love it. It gives you a chance to see what other cultures experience when they see their myths and legends through an English speaking lens.
Give me more of that weird gnostic imagery with no real understanding of what it means that Evangelion had.
I mean sure the pope could be an 18 year old bishe with a harem, why not?
The British library as a globe-spanning occult government? Go for it!
Macbeth but with mechs? Probably out there somewhere. Joan of Arc fighting satan with martial arts? Dope.
The funniest thing is that in some ways Fate/Stay Night got the parts of Arthurian myths that are forgotten from popular view, like swords described like blades of fire.
I mean Arthurian myth is fanfic all the way down except for a single sentence. So Fate Stay Might is exactly as legitimate a part of the Arthurian myths as the Once and Future King.
Oh indeed, but there's this part of not seeing the wider amount when you are raised with Arthurian myth around you, and getting into it later with open mind.
Imagine what they'd feel if JRPG developers started blurting out what their influences are, and like 90% of them respond with Wizardry, D&D and The Matrix.
I feel like every year since then I've watched people be confused at simpler and simpler questions and ideas 😭
Give me more of that weird gnostic imagery with no real understanding of what it means that Evangelion had.
The British library as a globe-spanning occult government? Go for it!
Macbeth but with mechs? Probably out there somewhere. Joan of Arc fighting satan with martial arts? Dope.
Looking from afar makes for interesting view.