Yeah I agree, and I'll be real I haven't had a baked mac before but I've had a recipe that is now my own. And while it's probably not the most healthy, it still slaps and is food!
Hell I'll make a box of Kraft Shapes because those are a quick but still tasty and decently filling food :3
Elect me and I will ensure that all trans women who received a Pell grant and opened a business in low-income neighborhoods get monthly 50% off mac and cheese vouchers from participating restaurants.
I STRONGLY DISLIKE Mac and cheese but I believe trans people should still get free mac and cheese because food is a fundamental human right just like housing and water ☺️
You have my pity.
Hell I'll make a box of Kraft Shapes because those are a quick but still tasty and decently filling food :3
I applaud your honesty though lol
(I'm obviously joking, give them whatever their favorite food is)
The shapes un-ironically slap
Kraft mac and some hotdogs.
Man I should make that again sometime
Never had Mac n Cheese on hot dogs but that does sound really good too :3
best food in the world