please don't, for someone with short term memory loss it's hard to keep up with the ones that already exist. I just want everyone to be happy being whoever they are. *unless you're nazis, you can eat shit
gender is a madeup thing, that is what "social cosntruct" means, so someone constraucted some gender values, in other countries gender roles are different, so in fact you can just construct your own instead of having to interpret anything.
in scotland men wear skirts called kilts and it's manly.
Every time you try to erase identities, we push back harder. Inclusion isn’t optional – it’s happening. Cry all you want – the world is moving forward, with or without you. 🌈👊
No, please stop the nonsense. Seriously. I believe in multiplicity, pluralism, and so on, but I also believe in reason and facts. This endless regression of social constructivism needs to restrain itself. There aren’t dozens of genders. There are more basic and urgent social issues to address.
I wonder if you realize that a good chunk of people complaining is the very ones that laid the groundwork leading to your being socially acceptable to a point till you new generation messed it up, like the older LGB of your group isn't even on your side anymore they have distance themselves
Are we making shit up now? I'm a trans ally & my step-son is trans. Still if we're making shit up in protest, I identify as a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man.
"Sir, we're running out of vowels and constant combos."
"Have you tried other languages?"
"They're out to."
"Even the dead ones?"
"Greek, Mesopotamian, you name it."
"Diabolical. *sigh* It's time to start mixing alphabets."
"S-Sir, you don't mean-"
"Yes, private. This is a code pink-white-blue."
Having read, 'Derrida and Negative Theology'. l 'Deconstructed' Groucho Marx's Postulation, "What ever it is. I'm against it" Is applicable in relation to, 'GOP' Zionist's Stern Gangsters, Collaborators.
I think it's time to tell Conservatives about being omnisexual.
Which of course I put on all government forms, and nobody cares.
But when an American hears it they freakout like I'm having more fun and they should be having that amount of fun. But they don't do fun, and I'm still omni.
I had a story idea once where I wanted four genders. I called them "iambic", "dactylic", "trochaic", and "anapestic". And I'm not afraid to do it again!
Internal note for the libs: “Look, you crazy SOB‘s, I have been instructed by mother Hillary that we have to reach a minimum of 7005 genders by the end of next week. I need your best effort here if we are going to pull this off. Start dreaming up some stuff, friends!
Some fantastic images and thoughts. The world is infinitely more diverse that our attackers - they won’t win and we can have some fun as we respond creatively.
I just want to understand. If someone refuses vaccine, the right says it is personal freedom even though it can contaminate a whole bunch of children. If a person is trans, which affects NO ONE, that means you can lose your rights. I don't understand.
You being trans, affects everyone that you come in contact with. You are trying to force them to play along with your fantasy that you have somehow magically changed your gender/sex.
I put up with the likes of you. I let you live your life despite your hatefulness. I put up with your fantasy that you are better than other people. I just let you live your life and act as stupid as you want to. That's how you should treat trans folk.
All nature defies our attempts to neatly categorize it, and like you said, thrives on the balance created by diversity. Reality won’t shrink or simplify itself for our comfort.
Since Trump announced he'll "take care of it" so there would be no more elections, we can't lose any more elections, right?
Or did you just forget that Trump is trying to copy what Putin did in 2020 and get rid of term limits?
As someone who has written in various venues "may a thousand genders bloom", I feel obligated to register a complaint of some sort. If there are certain complaint categories you prefer for the purposes of gender proliferation, please interpret this as being such. Are multiple complaints permitted?
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
I wanna see more of the “swing left” of this. You pushing for a progressive change in dem politics? I’ll vote for and donate to that, but not more of the same.
For real though, labels are used to help keep things organized in our brains and make stuff less complicated. Instead of for example a demiboy saying that they feel like a boy but not totally and more gender neutral but still a boy, they just say their a demiboy. Much how a more close minded person-
-may call every vaguely masculine person "he" because they can't say 'I was taught that traits more commonly associated with men over the years e.g. being taller, having a deep voice, body hair, meant that this person is a man and I believe that/Do not know that's not always the case." So uh-
-basically have fun with your life and do what makes you happy as long as it doesn't hurt yourself or others. Or something. I don't know what I'm talking about that much.
I'd love to see someone misgender Madame President and see how he really feels about people not honoring his chosen pronouns which I'm reliably informed is King.
I'll be happy to call him 'king Trump though. Note, sometimes the 'fuc' in 'king is not so silent.
That just creates a downward spiral, unfortunately. The whole "you don't respect my pronouns, so I won't respect yours" is just gonna prove their point more. 😕
Because you try to force us to play along with it. Pronouns, genders. I don’t give a crap if you are a man who wants to be a woman and wants to dress up like one. But don’t drag everyone else into it by trying to play women’s sports, etc. Just do your thing, and leave us alone.
I'll leave this alone after this-but who is us? I really don't think we are as divided in this country as the media makes it seem. We (everyone) has more in common than we probably realize. And though you and I likely disagree on this subject, there is so much more we likely agree on.
Mad flex, stunning and brave.
I really appreciate the part where asspatting yourselves with cringe memes totally stopped the wholesale dismantling of state institutions in its tracks.
And everyone lived happily ever after.
Dude. Don’t be an amateur, if you don’t add at a minimum of 38 letters tonight, the liberal movement will disown you. We have to keep making up genders at the most rapid pace we can, it will help us win the next election.
May I add more numbers? How about images? There isn't much room for another piercing anywhere on my body so all I have are letters, numbers, images, and queer....Oh well .!.
Dear Blue Sky Family, Listen to Cliff Cash 's message and re-post so we could amplify his message. He is an awesome fighter.
Donate, if you can. No amount is too small.
I would love it if a Reporter would make up some weird gender, then straight faced ask Trump a serious question about that gender and see how he reacts. Just to see how that liar handles it. It would be classic.
Some eFF'ing nimrod asserted these types of signs are "disgusting" because "they are comparing transgender people to aliens" /extraterrestrial.
Has anyone ever heard such stupidity ?!?
Just so you know there's a group who has a mushroom with over ten thousand genders. Might want to check with them for what they're all called because ya gotta know the morons out there will see this as a challenge.
But even more important - we misgender Trump &friends on every possible occasion. It is a terrible president and she needs to get that message every day
Sorry to bother, but that actually doesn't help things, it shows that using someone's pronouns/respecting their gender is a privilege that can be revoked at will if the person involved is not to your liking - which is a right wing talking point, and can make trans allies that do this contradictory.
I understand that Trump, Elon, and the whole gang are evil, but a lot of people have taken their despicable reputations and actions as an excuse to be transphobic, homophobic, racist, and what have you because of how bad of a person they are. I'm not saying you're doing that, but I'd rather call
For my, by now we are just talking about people's individual personalities. Man, woman. Anything beyond thst is just who you are. No doffierent from.what foods you like and what you find funny or heart warming
My preferred pronoun is complainer
I complain all the time.
I complain I want the pee resident impeached.
I complain I want the pee resident removed.
I complain I want the pee resident exiled far far far far away
Never liked this meme. Seems to imply that genders are made up/created just to own the neocons, which is their stance with the whole only two genders tiatribe.
And THIS is how we got here. Instead of living our lives and ignoring the Right, we rubbed their faces in it. Instead of minding our business...we became arrogant and look how many people are being hurt by our need to one up the Right. We can't only blame them we must blame ourselves.
They rile themselves up, tbh. The Cult leaders have abandoned reality and say we're doing all kinds of things to justify their power grab-- at the expense of all freedom-loving Americans.
It is honest. To Trump Cultists, merely existing in public and showing affection outside of their cis heteronormative worldview is enough to condemn and target LGBT+ folks.
So we should do whatever we want. Live as loudly as we want to, they're gonna come for us anyways.
We constantly tell them to mind their own business then we shove our choices in their faces. How can they mind their own business if we are always making our business theirs?
Or, if you actually looked into the history of most civilizations pre-colonialism, we would just be going back to the way that they always were, in which many different gender identities existed, and no one cared or labeled them. They all were vital to society, and trans folks were considered holy.
Get to work, little angel. 😈
It's easy to identify, because you'll still have a vagina; it's just fulled with concrete.🤭
Or am I interpreting that incorrectly?
in scotland men wear skirts called kilts and it's manly.
Every time you try to erase identities, we push back harder. Inclusion isn’t optional – it’s happening. Cry all you want – the world is moving forward, with or without you. 🌈👊
If pursued, I will say liberated human.
You cannot set norms and I, for my part, can only laugh at your desperate attempts 😜
"Have you tried other languages?"
"They're out to."
"Even the dead ones?"
"Greek, Mesopotamian, you name it."
"Diabolical. *sigh* It's time to start mixing alphabets."
"S-Sir, you don't mean-"
"Yes, private. This is a code pink-white-blue."
I hardly even know her.
(Sorry, could not resist.) 😁😬
Which of course I put on all government forms, and nobody cares.
But when an American hears it they freakout like I'm having more fun and they should be having that amount of fun. But they don't do fun, and I'm still omni.
If you don't know what you're talking about, why advertise it to the world?
Feels like the wrong message to concede on.
Or did you just forget that Trump is trying to copy what Putin did in 2020 and get rid of term limits?
this not so much
“we’re getting past the phase of complete denial from the industry – they can no longer claim that there’s no risk at all with phthalates.”
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
I'll be happy to call him 'king Trump though. Note, sometimes the 'fuc' in 'king is not so silent.
Just imagine how many they've got.
The crazier the Trump Cult gets, the more visibly gay I strive to be. I'm tired of the nonsense.
Thank you so much.
how about
I really appreciate the part where asspatting yourselves with cringe memes totally stopped the wholesale dismantling of state institutions in its tracks.
And everyone lived happily ever after.
Donate, if you can. No amount is too small.
Start with the first thread and go to the second.
A Friendly Guided Rwanda Botswana And Mozambique Safari
Has anyone ever heard such stupidity ?!?
I know that creates another gender.
How you like them fuckin apples? 🇨🇦
i like them 🍎 without phthalate exposure.
I shall assimilate, forthwith
I complain all the time.
I complain I want the pee resident impeached.
I complain I want the pee resident removed.
I complain I want the pee resident exiled far far far far away
I also don't like bigots.
Unfortunately for you, the rest of us aren’t going to join your delusion.
Living quietly won't reduce the oppression.
So we should do whatever we want. Live as loudly as we want to, they're gonna come for us anyways.
( and might well be being manipulated )
"Medical analyses of the role of lead exposure in the brain note increases in impulsive actions and social aggression "
interview (& industry collusion)
the mep's plan is
mep: "dont ban know poison
&develop tests to see how poisoned people are"
MT:"the important thing here is hear freely
admits that he spoke to the lobbyists
now the only reason we know this is
because he told us"
have you seen this ?
linked to
"altered reproductive development and * fertility issues."