They... erm ... "creep" on that in the most recent episode, but the point is spot on. The show slowly over time seems to reveal that there is a lot of manipulation or that they intentionally pick vulnerable people.
I do hope they expand on the reasons Gemma ended up in the Lumon facility, but I'm guessing its going to be something in the area of fertility treatment + non-consensual medical procedure.
But it's also worth noting that the only 2 women we've seen so far who we definitely know were severed voluntarily have been 1) the Lumon CEO's daughter, 2) the wife of a senator deep in the pockets of Lumon lobbying.
So maybe it's more contentious in the show universe for women too!
I don't think it's that great. It would have been an awesome 6-8 episode series. These drawn out drip drip story lines to steal our eyeballs are infuriating.
Yeah that's a big suspension of disbelief area for me when I watch it. Where I'm watching what's happening to these people and in the back of my mind thinking, I could see this getting really dark really quick.
I think we’re seeing this season it’s getting VERY DARK, VERY QUICKLY for the women involved… one of the things making my increasingly more uncomfortable each week. Episode 7 was… TOUGH, to watch.
Lots of malaise about "work" in culture, I definitely saw some reaction to the core conceit as "lol where do i sign up?"
I also see a relation to how we willingly allowed mobile&social media break the brains of a generation.
So maybe it's more contentious in the show universe for women too!