Nope. Personal character no longer matters. The “character” of a candidate, as an issue, died with this election of Trump. From now on, as with Trump, what a candidate says doesn’t matter, and a candidate’s personal behavior doesn’t matter. So say American voters.👇
I'll betcha Franken does NOT think that's funny.
It’s only about attaining & retaining power, no matter how they get there.
During a U.S. Senate debate on busing for racial desegregation in 1977, then-Sen. Joe Biden said, "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in
Wanna bet he's a believer in the "Prosperity Gospel?"
It goes like this.
Jesus and his peeps spent 2k years teaching that camel/eye of a needle/Rich man thing.
Then Americans came along and said. God will make you RICH! It's OKAY!
See where this is going?
Couldn't agree more. And this is exactly what people NEED to understand. And they need to come to grips concerning the type of person they voted for.
They just decided they don't give a damn.