You should have not bothered with that war with Britain . If America in the end wanted a Monarch , it would have saved lives not to have that War of Independence. Talk about pissing on ones history ! King Charles of America ? Better then Trump the felon & rapist
Who is annoyed that all the supposed checks and balances can easily and legally be avoided. Senate is supposed to vet the cabinet but can be easy avoided by a simple recess appointment
Americans need a four year vacation just to survive what’s ahead. It’s possibly one of the worst days in American history and there’s more to come. It’s just unbelievable that a country once stood so proud is literally falling apart due to one man.
It's never really been true for the rich and the well connected. What is different about this is it out for all of the world to see. They just don't care who knows that they don't have to follow the same rules as the rest of us. They don't think we'll do anything about it.
In America, the wealthy disgusting crooks continue to buy their way out of crimes. Right in plain sight. They are highly encouraged to do it and are awarded handsomely for it. #TrumpIsAConMan
You can that again. Although as a white man it just dawned on you, African-Americans have always lived with that reality. It’s a lived experience for us.
When I feel terrible about the death of my illusion re: “No one is above the law in America,” I realize what African Americans have known since 1619. I thought I loved American History, yet I only knew what I was taught - a mere half of what I should have learned. These realities make me angry/sad.
Don't let anyone get away with saying there aren't two justice systems in America. One for the well-heeled who can afford to play the system to their advantage and most everyone else who can't.
All federal employees will be required to be criminals, January 6 prisoners will be released, and P. Diddy will be pardoned—all to humiliate and demoralize the people who didn’t vote for a convict.
Donald Trump is really just a reflection of America or at least half of it. This country was always deliberately designed for white, rich men whose job was to only hold onto their money and power. And if you looked nothing like them then you were going to get nothing too. But resistance is still key
I am not sure it ever was entirely true. But if a person has money and lots of lawyers and 76 million voters to bail him out, it makes it a lot easier. But we all know what Trump is. History will know.
I stopped believing that a long time ago, Joe. I was in high school when I saw OJ get off scot free and I think that’s when the rose colored glasses came off.
Question, Joe. How does America ensure that there will be a presidential election in 4 years? This guy could take a blow torch to the constitution and have the full support of congress, the senate AND the Supreme court.
Yup and orange piece of shit the first to be above the law thank u motherfuckers for wasting our taxpayers money for nothing jack smith and the judge are a disgrace to America and what it stands for is nothing
We can thank Biden’s DOJ for it! They slow-walked the rightful prosecution of career criminal Trump for both the insurrection & classified documents theft because they were leery of the potential optics of timely justice. As expected limp-wristed milquetoast Neoliberalism is no match for FASCISM.
It's been that way for a long time. Cops killing citizens for free. A SD attorney general murdered a man with his car - for free. Neither Bill Clinton, George Bush II, or Barak Obama were imprisoned for their drug possession, despite confessions. No one went to prison for the 2014 illegal spying...
I can not believe I’ve lived to see this day…but here we are! Mitch McConnell did this to us…the Supreme Court did this to us…we did this to ourselves…the general we, not you and I. Maybe we should have stayed in the party and fought harder?…but I don’t think it would have made a difference
I still remember reading in my Crim. Justice course a booked titled "The Rich Get Richer and the Poorer Get Prison." The rich have always been above the law. How many went to prison for the 2008 mortgage foreclosure crisis?
Your question made me double-check. I was thinking of Kareem Serageldin, who inflated the value of securities at Credit Suisse from 07-08 and pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to 30 months (far below the sentencing guidelines).
In either case, your main point about the rich and poor seems spot on.
I think Mr. Smith made the only choice he could. The case, as it stands today, is unwinnable. BUT, HE got it dismissed WITH prejudice! It can be re- filed in 4 years. A lot can happen in 4 years.
It’s worse than that Joe - the legal system has become politicised to the point they it no longer functions.
Valid prosecutions aren’t progressed for political reasons.
There should be complete separation.
But in the US there isn’t.
The adults have left the room.
Democracy died under the bright light of daytime.
Nixon skated.
We just have solid proof now
It's never been true.
There have always been two justice systems.
like bro
In either case, your main point about the rich and poor seems spot on.
Valid prosecutions aren’t progressed for political reasons.
There should be complete separation.
But in the US there isn’t.