Trump is talking about authoritarianism. He wants to put Kash Patel in charge of the FBI as he says he wants to go after journalists. DJT doesn't give a fuck about anything. This means nothing to him other than something he can tweet about.
Who cares. I’m so sick of the democrats doing the right thing while republicans do whatever they want to take power. The double standard is ridiculous.
We're not living in normal times. The incoming admin is part of toc. I wouldn't trust my son to be in prison while Trump is president. He didn't kill anyone. Has paid his back taxes. Gun charge is not major. Biden has the power to do this.
trump will do whatever he wants no matter what Biden does. Biden did the only thing necessary when somebody with ultimate power can retaliate and seek revenge on his son. I hope Biden has more good deeds planned before he leaves.
He had to do it, the Republicans don’t play by the rules.
The Democrats have become the party of chumps thanks to Merrick
Garland. After tRump dropped charges, the Republicans would come at Hunter like a bunch of hungry hyenas
I think he had every intention of letting the rule of law play out
If Kamala would have won.
Trumps justice department is going to be out for vengeance
The bad takes around this are surprising. Trump plans to pardon J6 criminals and you are judging Biden pardoning his son, who had a lea deal until Republicans pitched a fit? Who will go after both of them after he takes office? Fet over yourself.
Gotta disagree with you on this one. With Kash’s nomination it’s clear Trump will be out for revenge on all fronts, protecting Hunter from unfair persecution is the only smart move here.
I understand what you are saying but I'm happy for the change of heart. Between Trumps previously pardoning of Steve Bannon, other ridiculous people and what he will do in the future plus weighing the fact that Hunter wouldn't have been prosecuted except for the fact Hunters last name was Biden.
Joe, you can sit down on this one. President Biden just pardoned his son Hunter. Donald Trump's done the same thing by pardoning Jared Kushner's father. How's that helping Trump? And besides, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I'm sorry, Joe. You really need to let this go. We all know who Trump has pardoned. People who have done far worse than what Hunter has. So has Trump, in case you've forgotten. No matter how long you stay mad, this will always be the right move. It's the one thing every parent is supposed to do.
Wrong, sorry. Enough. Who knows what Trump would've started on 1/20. Trump had his...The Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and Paul Manafort pardons. And the Supreme Court of The United States pardoned Trump himself for insurrection and for stealing and hoarding classified documents.
He should have pardoned Hunter. No one needs to help Trump. He creates his own rules and does whatever he wants with no consequences. I hope Biden does preemptive pardons too.
I’m sorry. What? You need to explain this comment.
Hunter did not deserve the hell they have put him and his whole family through 24/7, 365 days/year over bullshit. RFK Jr was a heroin addict for 15 years. Why isn’t anyone pulling shit outta of their ass to harass him 24/7, 365 days/year???
Sure. Biden pardoning his son sets a bad example for a sociopath!!!! Get a clue… ridiculous. Biden forced the orange sociopath to nominate these morons, grifters, criminals, & traitors!!!
You will not find anyone on this site who will agree with you about Joe Biden's pardon of Hunter. I believe you should share thison X; the GOP will congratulate and love you for it.
I’m not sure why you think Biden can do anything to help or hurt Trump. He’s elected, he’s shown us his contempt through his cabinet nominees—he will remain the terrible person he is regardless of Biden’s actions or inactions, and everyone knows it.
STFU Walsh. The incoming clowns would’ve tried to persecute Hunter for the rest of his life. Biden did the right thing.
Trump pardoned the worst people in the country and will pardon all the J6 rioters. He pardoned Jareds dad and is going to make him an ambassador. Show your outrage about that.
Wrong on this Joe. Trump doesn’t need any help. He’s going to do whatever he wants especially with his immunity. It’s about time Biden shows some backbone. Looks like this is what America responds to.
Trump would do his actions regardless. Even if Biden did whatever perfect action you’re imagining Trump would STILL commit some BS political atrocity this isn’t game theory anymore it’s reality in order to fight a fascist some means have to be justified
Joe Biden has a few years left on this planet. He has had to bury two of his children already. He only has Hunter left from his first wife.
Research and you’ll see it was politically motivated. Any non-bias DA would have never brought this case. It’s been well documented. Comer forced this. 🤔
OMG Are your serious? The guy managed to get elected president by the American people after staging a coup, sex offending, getting convicted on 34 felonies,etc. Biden playing by rules that don’t exist anymore neither helps nor hurts Trump. Enjoy the righteous indignation though…very Dem of you.
Joe this isn't Twitter and this is an argument that you're not going to win here...We all knew Trump was going to pardon people who literally smashed their way into Capitol Building..Whether Joe Biden pardoned his son or not it will not change any of the things Trump plans on doing.
Come on Joe, appreciate your comments, but if you think people have any faith left in the justice system now after what the Supreme Court has done, and what other things have happened.. oh please.
GMAFB. Pardon all J6 does not equal Hunter. Plus. trump pardoned Ivanka’s father in law for worse crimes AND is making him Amb to France. I’m behind Joe all the way
If Biden or Harris had been elected I don't think we'd have seen a pardon. But it's a big ask of a father to leave his son at the mercy of Trump. And Trump pardoned people who did far worse crimes than Hunter. In fact, one of them is going to be ambassador to France.
They would have never let it go. Pardoning Hunter is the only way to stop the crazy Republicans from their relentless harassment. I don’t believe President Biden did this without deep consideration.
so if you were in his position, and your child was targeted by republicans for minor charges, you would risk them putting your kid in jail. No, you would pardon your child
And stop it with the "Joe lied". Joe consulted with his family in the face of the threat of 47's mafia and they decided that he needed to CHANGE HIS MIND. That's not "lying." That's being logical in the face of the threat.
Joe needs to take their damn "enemies list" in addition to anyone that Elon or Kash or any of his mafia have verbally mention and pre-emptively pardon ALL of them. Period.
At this point, Republicans are more to blame than President Biden.
It's the Republicans who have lowered the bar so low that his son's pardon is anecdotal.
Y'all need 2 wake the hell up! DJT don't need help & MAGA dont need a reason! He's a crime boss with immunity! He doesn't respect rules, laws, alliances, the country & he damn sure do not respect the office of the president! He is there to escape justice and pull off the greatest heist of all time!
Hunter is his son - if Biden didn’t pardon him, Trump may have - just to make Joe look pathetic and weak and to make himself look sympathetic and caring - like some heroic father figure
Seriously though, don't you realize the danger that Hunter would have been in if Kash Patel is approved for the head of the FBI. His life would essentially be over.
Perhaps it’s important to consider that the next President will neither be encouraged or discouraged by the actions of this one.
Second, when it comes to pardons, perhaps you, Joe, are best positioned to understand the value of second chances. Hmm?
Bad take on that. It’s clear that Hunter was only prosecuted because of his last name. Joe should never have made the promise not to pardon him in the first place. Trump would have pardoned his sons the same day of the conviction.
He's already lost children. He's not about to lose the only son he has left. Also, they will continue to drag on Hunter, because they're butt hurt even tho they won the election.
"Way to go, Joe!" Says Rep Jasmine Crockett about the pardon of Hunter Biden. "We have a 34 count convicted felon that's about to walk into the WH. So for anyone who wants to clutch their pearls now, I would say take a look in the mirror."
Do you seriously believe that Trump will in any way be restrained by the actions or inactions of Pres Biden? Seriously?!? Trump follows no precedent, no rules, no laws. Trump will blow up our democracy no matter what Biden does.
Trump would've done it either way. He pardoned Bannon after he created a border wall GoFundme and funneled the money to himself from his supporters. He pardoned his son-in-laws father. This didn't change anything.
Trump always acts in bad faith. I don't see how this is any different than the mountains of other things Trump behaves badly about. The media on the other hand... We'll see how they handle it.
I disagree completely. trump is going to pardon tf out of everyone just as a massive fu to liberals and it has zero to do with Biden pardoning Hunter. Whether Biden did or did not pardon Hunter, trump will still pardon everyone he wants to.
Joe, I normally agree with you but not on this. Trump is on a revenge tour and you know Trump would continue to go after Hunter over stupid shit. If Trump were a sane person then I agree with you but we all know he's not.
I didn't think Biden had the balls to do it. Glad to see he had some. I don't think anyone should have the unilateral power to pardon. We've seen that many executives have used them to generate income rather than advance justice. Maybe the execute can nominate, a jury has to be called to allow it.
Disagree on this one Joe. At this point I actually think the greatest FU to Trump would be for Biden to pardon him thus forever labeling him a criminal.
Problem all along has been that the Dem's have been playing by the rules, even after the Repub's tore up the rulebook, took a shit on it and set it on fire.
The man's still working hard to ensure a peaceful transition, something that wasn't afforded him.
What's the saying? "Fuck Your Feelings."
🙄 trump supporters have helped their orange Jesus enough. I think we, and most especially the Bidens, deserve something. This was the right thing to do. Period. End of.
Could not disagree with you more. Trump pardoned so many of his friends and cronies, not to mention pardoning his son in laws father, a convicted felon, he made him Ambassador to France. Seriously you’re going to compare these two? Your Republican colors are showing very brightly.
Every one has the right to feel how they want to about this situation, biden took the high ground often so doing the opposite today is upsetting to some.
So let me get this right…. You used to respect all his opinions but now that he has said something you disagree with you no longer respect any of opinions or just this one?!?!
I respect your voice. In this case I disagree with you. His son was targeted and his plea deal upended by Trump cronies. Anyone else would have been treated differently. I’m glad he was pardoned. This family has endured enough.
Yeah, sure. Because Trump would never abuse the pardon power if Biden hadn’t pardoned his son, right? Makes no sense. If I could protect my son from jail based on a political prosecution while helping him get clean and back on his feet, I would do it in a heartbeat.
If we are not going to use the intelligence we have gathered about Trump's compromised relationship with Putin right now to defend our nation, when are we going to use it? Never?
Agreed. Terrible decision on his part. Maybe while he’s at it he can just send Trump down to Guantanamo and hold him there. It really couldn’t get much worse for America.
YOU aren't helping with your need for the limelight. btw the woman in your photo; is she the mistress you left your wife and kids for? yea, we remember when you were a deadbeat dad. go back to xtwitter.
Yeah, doing stuff or not doing stuff helps Trump. One thing is for sure, not talking about the fact that Trump appointed Jared Kushner’s father as the ambassador to France is helping Trump. Remember, Joe, how Trump pardoned him 4 years ago? Now he’s made him an ambassador? Where’s your outrage?
I just told my partner the exact same words almost verbatim that his charges were bullshit and I’m glad he did it first when you’re president and can help. I’m sorry Trump put his family first and we all suffered & Joe ain’t gonna hurt Nobody 4 his pardon of a good son.. 💕✌🏼
The country and GOP helped Trump, not Biden. Big difference between J6 which we know what will happen soon with these "political prisoners " and this pardon.
The Democrats have become the party of chumps thanks to Merrick
Garland. After tRump dropped charges, the Republicans would come at Hunter like a bunch of hungry hyenas
it has not for sometime
If Kamala would have won.
Trumps justice department is going to be out for vengeance
They never would’ve denied Hunter’s plea deal, or even charged him, but for politics.
Here’s hoping Biden pardons a whole lot of other people on his way out.
Hunter did not deserve the hell they have put him and his whole family through 24/7, 365 days/year over bullshit. RFK Jr was a heroin addict for 15 years. Why isn’t anyone pulling shit outta of their ass to harass him 24/7, 365 days/year???
All The Way Off
Trump pardoned the worst people in the country and will pardon all the J6 rioters. He pardoned Jareds dad and is going to make him an ambassador. Show your outrage about that.
Research and you’ll see it was politically motivated. Any non-bias DA would have never brought this case. It’s been well documented. Comer forced this. 🤔
Sick and tired of President Biden being held to such ridiculous standards. I agree with this pardon 💯
As if you care about law and order in the first place -- you're the hypocrite, not Biden. Screw off, dickwad.
Stop it with this crap.
It's the Republicans who have lowered the bar so low that his son's pardon is anecdotal.
So spare us the pearl clutching. 🙄
Second, when it comes to pardons, perhaps you, Joe, are best positioned to understand the value of second chances. Hmm?
The Prez pardoned his son, not one of his criminal cohorts.
Dude, breathe into a paperbag. Chill out.
The man's still working hard to ensure a peaceful transition, something that wasn't afforded him.
What's the saying? "Fuck Your Feelings."
Make Biden #DeclassifyTrump, so we can force the Congress to #ImpeachTrumpNow.
Hunter’s charges were bullshit
And after trump destroys this country he will pardon all the Jan 6th insurrectionists & his family once he leaves office again