I plop down in my comfy chair with a cup of hot coffee. She sits in front of me. Eyes pleading. Tail wagging. It’s zero degrees outside. Pause. Another pause. Did I tell you it’s cold outside? Oh well. I stand up. She flies to the door. I grab the leash. Out we go.
That’s love.
That’s love.
It was 18 degrees here in Southeast VA this morning at 7AM. Both our guys got their walks as they do *every* day; rain, shine, hot, cold, snow, hurricane whatever the weather. My better half walks Slinky (left) and I walk my guy Chester (right).
Here's a poem in the style of Robert Frost based on your description:
The Winter Walk
In my chair I settle down,
Hot coffee, warmth all around.
She sits, her eyes a silent plea,
Tail wagging, full of energy.
Zero degrees, the cold does creep.
A moment's pause, then two, then three,
Did I mention how cold it be?
With sigh and groan, I rise once more,
She bounds excited to the door.
Leash in hand, we brave the chill,
Our bond of love, unbroken still.
This is the way of dog and man,
A winter ritual, our own plan.
Through biting wind and icy ground,
In simple acts is true love found.