That @elonmusk hasn’t been hauled before Congress & forced to answer questions under oath is all the evidence you need to know that we’re in a Constitutional crisis. The legislative branch has officially abandoned its duty to defend the Constitution. Hence, a Constitutional crisis.
Same old, same old, same old.
Is a civil war imminent?
Every institution failed democracy
1. Gives power back to the people reserved for them specifically in the 1st,9th 10th, 14th Amendment,&more generally in the bill of rights,now brought into a resolute determination that the power rests with the people first,foremost& ultimately
For sale future sale to someone.
Or extort.
Trump is copying Putin’s Playbook for total control with his Corrupt Loyalists hiding and defying the Law.
Transparency, Accountability and disobedient GOP Politicians will be thrown out a Window.
Read up MAGA, you’re not going to like the results.
REPUBLICANS have failed. Republican voters failed. Democrats are still trying to fix what Republicans have set fire to.
I'm so sad for my country. We almost made it. Almost.
No bail as they are an immediate threat to the public!