Here’s a fantastic way to lose forever.
“Let’s win the middle by alienating them”
“Let’s win the middle by alienating them”
Honestly think the problem is that the far-right has gotten SUPER effective at *framing* any perceived opposition as radically left when it/they actually aren't.
Like, what is the middle on abortion? On climate change? On vaccines? On tariffs? On free speech? On ...
Who’d Adam share? can you help?
A coalition shouldn’t be a cult.
Well, now we have our answer as to which plane hit the ship first.
I don't see how any other democrat wouldve won with the lies that trump was spewing and so many believing.
(If he truly won.)
It was all there, we showed them over and over again.
Harris would have won by splitting the vote.
Trump campaign did that with the "Green" and "Libertarian" parties.
Was that feasible?
You know how to block voices, all Republicans do.
There is good and Democratic and there is bad and Fascist Republicans then there are Republicans who think working both sides
Means accepting we never get full Democracy. What you want?
Not hard to figure out
Sexism prob plays the biggest role in her losing.
A She is a woman
B she is Black
C she only had 107 days to
campaign and reach people and breakthrough and create enough trust to help overcome peoples problems with A and B
Unfortunately people also hold minority poc candidates to much higher standard and she needed much longer to reach more people. Had she had 3-4 more months maybe she could have done it.
But you're right, people assumed that society was less racist and less sexist than it actually is. They had naive hope for humanity when they shouldn't have.
And had to get out from Bidens mental decline and post covid inflation and prices. She did great considering imo
I feel like there's a loud small portion of the voting
I feel like the desire to break the glass ceiling took priority over actually winning. But the cohort whom wants to break the glass ceiling are not
She gained votes compared to Hilary in 2016
There are some positives.
- we have more control/ protections here, imo, than we ever had on Twitter