I honestly wish people would speak truth to power, no matter what Trump, Musk, republicans, Fox or podcasts have to say, we saw how Trump kept the nonsense pf J6ers being called hostages became normal, so we know, knew then, it was dangerous, people need to shoot the truth from the roof tops
Oh it's going to get worse he's going to drive it right in the ground until we have the worst Great Depression that we've ever had. And since nobody wants to stop this traitorous treasonous a****** and his co-conspirators that's what's going to happen
Before the Apprentice he was a failed businessman with multiple bankruptcies. I blame Mark Burnett for the glossy, reality show rich man he created that people bought into. (p.s. I was on Facebook back in 2015 warning about him and was told I was being "alarmist". I hate I was proven right.)
Exactly! Mark Burnett, another fake Christian in it for the money. I left Facebook around that time—it was just too toxic and a platform of misinformation.
It’s not bad judgment on trump’s part. Annihilation is the purpose. From 2014.
This is not stupidity. It’s by design. Demolition is the goal. Putin is the coach.
Ivanka got Chinese patents for coffins and body bags. It makes me wonder if that had anything to do with Trump dragging his feet. Did the Trumps profit financially from COVID?
In the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was 25%. My grandparents and their six kids did better than most because they owned a small farm and knew how to provide for themselves. Most people don’t have a clue how to live off the land now.
Without running water, they hauled water into the house to fill up a metal tub to take a bath. They used an outhouse. They even had to grow and pick their own corn, then haul it to the mill to ground it. The mill was still standing when I was a teenager. It was called Mundy’s Mill. It’s not fun.
It’s a rough life. You butcher your own meat. Till the soil, pick your vegetables, can them yourself. You use a wood burning stove to heat and cook. You wash your clothes on a scrub board. You make your own clothes. My grandmother made quilts, too. She didn’t even have indoor plumbing.
Now the small farms are ibn big trouble since the Trump cuts and policies will drive them out of business. Short-sighted at best but more likely intended to consolidate big conglomerates. We are now entering the oligarchy.
Trump doesn’t care about the small farmer, their votes don’t matter now.
They are gullible to the point of not only putting themselves in danger but everyone else in danger. Honestly, they are too gullible to have voting rights. Maybe, we should have to take a test to prove we are tethered to reality to vote. Question: Did Trump win the 2020? Yes, means delusional.
Tomorrow’s stock market futures, thanks to tariffs going on shows it will likely be almost as big a loss as today’s. It all helps Russia as it his bringing down consumer confidence in the our country.
The opposite from Robin Hood!- The fat cheeto is stealing from the poor (Social Security, I earned over 56 years) to give to his rich buddies! - How can this happen in America. -I followed all the rules retired from national security and now at 80 I will lose everything.
"denominator"; that's one of the nicest descriptors of Trump he's ever received from a non-MAGA. "A lot of people say I'm the greatest denominator in history. Very powerful. No one knows more about denomination than me. I was a denominatrix before politics."
Today: Dow loss:-650 pts
NASDAQ loss: -497 pts
S&P loss: -105 pts
All because of crazy extreme MAGA policies and Trump behaviors. Investing in stocks is believing in the future. Trump offers no reason to be optimistic.
tWump does not care
he's gifting Putski bc he owes him bigly
thegift is breaking this nation's back& leaving her weak & impotent ,taking the side of these small ,paranoid autocrats of pariah nations&transforming us into the same
handing off the carcass to theTechno Bros to build their city states
On Tariff Eve of Trump’s new tariff tax you could actually see the markets nose-dive the more Trump spoke. Explain how other countries are going to pay Trump’s tariff tax for the American consumer. There NOT!!
I hate to say this, but it seems that all the Republicans understand are yelling and screaming. So how about this? All the Dems act like Marjorie Taylor Greene, scream and yell and throw their shoes during his speech.
At 61 years old, I have moved all my IRA money to 5% fixed. I don’t think the market has started to go down yet. When more people realize America and Russia are 100% together and we start losing more of our freedoms , look out. And at the current pace, it could be next week
He's a Putin puppet. Ruining country of his birth to be despot King.
Trained by KGB+Victor Orban.
Putin +Trump are criminals.
Netanyahu's in training.
Nothing good can come from these 3, who have made plays for greater power at the demise of millions.
Time to turn off the 🇨🇦 power +water to 🇺🇸?🤔
Unreal!!! So let’s crash the markets and totally fuck everyone’s retirement accounts and then get rid of SS and Medicare! We’ll just work for one of Elon’s companies until we’re dead
Will never, ever happen.
We don't have a Democrat Speaker of the House and we don't have a Democrat Majority Leader in the Senate. Sorry to say, the American people didn't give Democrats any power to fight/stop this administrations overreach. But we gonna feel, how gullable Americans are.
I was just saying that I hadn't seen anyone calling for Trump's impeachment. THANK YOU!
Maybe it's a fever dream, but it seems to me that if he does enough damage, Trump might not only be impeached but tossed out. But then we have JD Vance, who would in some ways be worse.
The damage they have already done could take years to repair, if even salvageable. This is a REVOLUTION. He will never go peacefully. We have to fight for our country, and remind those in Congress they work for us.
I have to say it makes me laugh when I see this. Not because it's not a good sentiment, but because it won't work. The cancer of trump and his team are to entrenched and far spread to have the one at the top removed and have everything turn around. It requires a lot more than a simple impeachment.
It's not enormous, it's a waste of political capita. In my opinion. Time and effort would be better used to for a coalition or alliance of politicians against him or build a powerful opposition movement behind someone who stands a chance of opposing him.
"Laugh" is the wrong word here. It is sad, unfortunate & disheartening to see these calls for impeachment, when we are past the point where it would make a difference. He would just be replaced by someone worse with his views and more likely more competent at carrying out the plans of P2025.
You want an example of a corrupt mind is when you are 6'3" and you wear 1.5" lift in your dress shoe. Nothing is true in this man's mind but Trump is goin' for control!
Wait until the Social Security checks fail to arrive and people start dying, starving, getting evicted…THOSE people have family members who might respond in kind.
Oralé Resisters
Joe Biden Built the strongest US Economy in 4 years!
Trump destroys
US Economy in 6 weeks
#Economy #TrumpDOWDump #GotEggs
SHITLER has more felonies than bankruptcies and more bankruptcies than impeachments. If you still believe he's a good businessman, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Can this be stopped in any way?? He is on scorched earth mode. Unfortunately, it’s not on behalf of the hardworking people he supposedly represents. Does Putin have something on him? Or is just he so in love with the idea of being Putin? Is there any recourse, or has it already happened?
The guy doesn’t understand economics. He doesn’t understand tariffs. He doesn’t understand that sudden, massive layoffs make the most basic tasks impossible to perform. He’s a remarkably cruel tinpot autocrat, a fool. I will never understand how so many continue to be so suicidally stupid.
Sign of insanity. Doing something over and over again and expecting different results
To all those who thought he did such a fantastic job last time
Isn't that the convicted felon 🍊💩🧷 #47 goal in 100 days in office is to destroy America!
Well, we're almost there! Is America great? I fking don't think so. In less than 43 days, the 🍊💩 has upended Americans livelihood, betrayed Ukraine & USA is heading towards a recession & looking like Russia!
The people who cared last time may not care so much this time bc of the MAMMOTH crypto scam they are orchestrating. They are busy listening to the “crypto whisperer” and dreaming of their dragon’s hoard, independent of the market
Liberals do not care about the people either, the true left has to band together to push american politics back to the left, both parties have crept to the right since reagan
My parents taught us to always look for the good in people. We have really tried and so far have not found a single good quality or deed in this man or his family. Can someone please show us what we are missing.
It’s also affecting the European economy. Defense stocks up but so are bond rates. The purchase of several billion dollars of American fighters is an issue in the Australian election. Pacific allies can’t depend on the US. We have an administration that can’t pass the marshmallow test on the world
stage. There is no long term plan for where foreign policy is headed. Trump will need a bigger wall around Mar del Loco when the lumpen proletariat finally wake up.
Right! If Trump wants Ukraine to surrender to Russia that means that Trump wants the US to surrender to Russia. The list of ways Trump has disgraced the US and what it stands for are unforgivable, but surrendering to Russia will go down as the all-time betrayal in US history.
Across the planet Trump would've been in jail by sunset of Jan 6th. We all saw the coup attempt. In jail. Charged with treason by 9 pm. Witnesses lined up. (Anyone who watched a TV.) No point blaming the GOP cowards. Police & Judiciary went AWOL. Law enforcement looked the other way.
Yep the clown and his stupid tariffs. I wonder how many economic experts by now have told him just how dumb an idea this is, but he goes with his gut, and he thinks it sounds tough.... 🙄😒😮💨
Don't worry, the US pro-Russia political party will put a proper spin on it, 24-hours a day for weeks on end, so that it's all President Biden's fault...
Hey Ukraine, Adam and others that support your cause have family members that they would like to volunteer to fight for your cause. Children, siblings, nieces, and nephews. Send transportation asap and make them proud!
Adam, how do we stop him? Please. He's selling of our country for what? What does trump get for all he's giving Putin? Please - what is so important to the republicans that they give up our security and land and information. Giving up Ukraine. Help us. Who can?
Absolutely! Now he's trying to bankrupt us while dark crypto flows out of our country's coffers and goes directly to Russia.
Him and Musk - two biggest frauds on the planet.
IMO: the stock market is a minor worry. The big one: Trump's being extorted by Putin. Putin is getting made-to-order concessions by threatening harm to a kid or grandkid-- Trump's only true soft spot. He's lowering our national defenses for a reason. The result? a possible Russian cakewalk.
America - what is it going to take to get Americans to mobilize and stop this bullshit? This affects each and every one of us. How much is enough? When your mother dies because her Medicaid is cutoff? When your 401K melts to zero? When Russians hack your bank account and steal your life savings???
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
S&P closed at 5,849.72
We’re headed for a recession. Billionaires will be just fine. Most of us will be collateral damage.
His type from back in the 80’s. I work in real estate and men like him are real shitbags of human beings. Scummy and everyone knew it.
This is not stupidity. It’s by design. Demolition is the goal. Putin is the coach.
I'd first have to be sure I have loyalists in key roles.
Then pardon myself on the way out. Or just never leave.
Hope it’s only 201.
Slow the Testing down!
Trump doesn’t care about the small farmer, their votes don’t matter now.
NASDAQ loss: -497 pts
S&P loss: -105 pts
All because of crazy extreme MAGA policies and Trump behaviors. Investing in stocks is believing in the future. Trump offers no reason to be optimistic.
he's gifting Putski bc he owes him bigly
thegift is breaking this nation's back& leaving her weak & impotent ,taking the side of these small ,paranoid autocrats of pariah nations&transforming us into the same
handing off the carcass to theTechno Bros to build their city states
Trained by KGB+Victor Orban.
Putin +Trump are criminals.
Netanyahu's in training.
Nothing good can come from these 3, who have made plays for greater power at the demise of millions.
Time to turn off the 🇨🇦 power +water to 🇺🇸?🤔
but the “main problem”
is the 77 million mostly white
and Christian evangelical nationalists
& alt-right types,“voters” from the rural red hinterland and Fox News
that are “responsible” for Trump’s deconstructing of the American way of life for Putin’s invasion.
We don't have a Democrat Speaker of the House and we don't have a Democrat Majority Leader in the Senate. Sorry to say, the American people didn't give Democrats any power to fight/stop this administrations overreach. But we gonna feel, how gullable Americans are.
everyone could hate him soon
I know they are cults but people leave cults
Maybe it's a fever dream, but it seems to me that if he does enough damage, Trump might not only be impeached but tossed out. But then we have JD Vance, who would in some ways be worse.
Letter writing doesn’t work
Protests don’t work
Boycotts don’t work.
You know what works? Ask Luigi where negotiations start.
Several may need support to speak out.
It is now clear that this is an attack. Trump and musk use the language of war. They have usurped congress.
It's time.
Joe Biden Built the strongest US Economy in 4 years!
Trump destroys
US Economy in 6 weeks
#Economy #TrumpDOWDump #GotEggs
As in the Great Divider?
Oh yes.
Thank you, good Hough-Transform!
To all those who thought he did such a fantastic job last time
Well, we're almost there! Is America great? I fking don't think so. In less than 43 days, the 🍊💩 has upended Americans livelihood, betrayed Ukraine & USA is heading towards a recession & looking like Russia!
You know how he was able to wreck everything in such a short period of time?
better countries....
I agree what's the reason???
Nationwide Protests at noon
Stop complaining and DO SOMETHING
He has done nothing for the American ppl as promised.
Second least ......
Something to keep in mind.
The second is Merrick Garland, who wasted his time going after the misled individuals who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 at the behest of Trump.
Go out tomorrow and protest like your life & the future of the
FREE world 🌎 depends on it‼️
Him and Musk - two biggest frauds on the planet.
Followed you, Muddles. Your FB would be valued.
And the worst is yet to come!
So scary what's ahead.
Trudeau pushes back