Does anyone know of good work on the philosophy of ‘style’? What is style? Context: I’m teaching neural style transfer with convnets and the method operationalises 'style' in a strange and simple way that may bear no resemblence at all to traditional theories of style. I'm interesed in comparing.
Style: The Art of Writing Well (1955) by F.L. Lucas is great. Style is character written down.
Building Great Sentences: How to Write the Kinds of Sentences You Love to Read
Book by Brooks Landon. Style can be broken down into general effective patterns.
My gut instinct—as someone trained originally in the humanities—is that we lack a really compelling theory about the division between style and content, and while we can def measure stuff, I usu. find myself suspicious about construct validity.
I don't know if that's true? But I do think efforts to separate them are often pretty muddled.
I just feel it remains muddled & inconclusive.
There's a history of attempts to hastily operationalize the concept.