Spouse felt it (they thought snow fell off the roof, "Is that what that was?"), I did not, but my disco ball in my bedroom is moving more than it would be normally, so I'm pretty sure it happened.
Was mainly asking because upstairs and I were both like- did something happen or do we just live in a 100 year old house cheaply modified into apartments
Yep. Earthquake a few miles east of Portsmouth, NH. We felt it in Amherst--the house noticeably shook for a few seconds, and then kind of vibrated for what felt like a minute but I'm guessing was probably 20 seconds or so.
Cousin No. 1--"Crazy strong at work, thought part of our building had been hit by something. Big lights in the parking lot swaying."
Cousin No. 2--"It was loud! Thought Trump had done something."