My favourite Finnish tongue twister…
Keksijä keksi keksin, keksin keksittyään keksijä keksi keksin keksityksi keksinnöksi
The inventor invented the cookie, after the invention was invented the inventor invented the cookie as an invented invention
Keksijä keksi keksin, keksin keksittyään keksijä keksi keksin keksityksi keksinnöksi
The inventor invented the cookie, after the invention was invented the inventor invented the cookie as an invented invention
”Hei olen asianajaja Janne, asianajajanne. Ajan asiaanne asianajaja-Jannenanne”
Approximately: ”Hey, I’m attorney Janne, your attorney. I handle your case as your attorney-Janne.”
Un généreux déjeuner régénérerait des généraux dégénérés
A generous breakfast regenerates degenerate generals
Chacha chnacha chata chnechona, aa-chnacha chata chnacho
Uncle, don't polish the polished bamboo strips, polish the unpolished ones
Kummikutes kummitus kummitas kummutis
A ghost with rainboots haunted the chest of drawers
Tuki fuki buki gudi, tuki fuki buki becheck
Travelling hyenas during the night, travelling hyenas during the day
Bhí bean ag Joe
Is bhí banjo ag Joe
Is bhí banjo ag bhean Joe
B'fhearr go deo Joe ar an mbanjo
Ná bean Joe ar an mbanjo go deo
Joe had a wife
And Joe had a banjo
And Joe's wife had a banjo
Joe was always better on the banjo
Than Joe's wife ever was
Ádám bátyám
pávát látván
száját tátván
lábát rázván
pávává vált
My brother Adam
seeing a peacock
opened his mouth and
shook his leg and
became a peacock
Is a tongue twister in Glasgow
pipes up perkily to approve this proper pronunciation poser.
Papa a à aller à Arles
Pruneau cuit, pruneau cru
Cooked prune, raw prune
Kokoo koko kokko kokoon. Koko kokkoko kokoon? Koko kokko kokoon.
[Put the whole bonfire together. The whole bonfire together? The whole bonfire together.]
The best is to hear a native speaker saying it, it sounds like bizarre morse code.